Kamala / Walz 2024

But he did join military intelligence when he knew that’s what was happening.

and then he joined military intelligence and went to Afghanistan and Iraq as a fully grown very college educated Rhodes Scholar.

I wonder how you investigate terror finance at Bagram Air Base.

If Pete gets the nod, the real question will be are there enough normies left in the Republican Party for them to realize that the real play is not to go after his sexuality but to run attack ads about traffic jams, bridge collapses, train derailments and disintegrating Boeings? And throw in some footage of a NYC subway flood while you’re at it.

Honestly, your assumption of motives is pretty fucking gross.

Seriously, reread the shit you just posted and tell me exactly what proof you have that it’s true. I’ll wait.

Once again, I’ll echo Jon Stewart and ask, “Who are you to tell what’s in someone else’s heart?”


Maybe he’s just fucking stupid and figured joining military intelligence, and going extremely far out of his way to do it, and investigating Afghans in a military base during the war in Afghanistan was the best way to serve humanity.


And Kamala kept people in prison for the labor. Pretty pair. Not very inspiring. But, Trump leads to people getting charged with murder for reproductive rights and will definitely remove hundreds of thousands of people from the USA who wouldn’t otherwise be removed, so, go team I guess. Pulling for Tim Walz though for sure and I know he was in the military too.


At least now we’re up to two classes of people who are allowed to care about the future of our country: people with children, and people who served in the military

Wait, does it offset if the people in the military are responsible for the deaths of other people’s children? Ah well, maybe their hearts were good, who’s to say


I will say that I do mean that I give him the benefit of doubt. I think he really is just a striver who thought that some military service was a great resume builder and that he didn’t join McKinsey because he’s a business fundamentalist or the military because he had an objective of supporting the “mission” in Afghanistan.

His heart may be pure. I just find it appalling when politicians use the “well I went through XYZ when I SERVED in AFGHANISTAN” line for applause. Military worship is out of control in this country, as a result of propaganda paid for by the people that profit from these horrible wars.


I read it as an example of being invested in your country even though you don’t have kids. Of course, he’s cynical enough to use his military service since he knows that will play well and set up a solid zinger (it’s pretttttay good!).

I think it’s a bad faith reading to say that he only thinks parents and people in the military have a physical commitment to the country, or that a “physical commitment” is even a thing.

I also think he’s ever so slightly more pro-invasion and pro-military in general than I am, but that’s really another matter imo.


I was being a little snide to make a point, that I dislike how he jumps to his military service to get applause. He had the right answer before he took the self-serving Support The Troops angle: that not being a parent doesn’t make you less.

Sure, that’s obviously true, re: make you less (for non-weirdos). It’s not a zinger though, and won’t be played on social media.

Afghanistan wasn’t an unjust war!


This guy is quite good at this!



Bullshit. Service members don’t get to pick and choose what orders they follow. Portraying service members as “not admirable” is how you end up with a military that is not admirable. Blame the politicians, not the troops.


There is no such thing as an admirable military even if you thigh t there was certainly the American one would not be it.

Tell it to the Ukrainians, but I wouldn’t say it too loudly around any Canadian troops.


The absolute best you can say for any military it’s a regrettable but sometimes necessary evil that should never be admired and should be kept to the absolute minimum possible.

It’s never admirable.

If you shit on your soldiers for doing their job you end up with shitty soldiers. You don’t need to glorify war to admire the job that soldiers have to do. Supporting soldiers doesn’t mean you support the wars they are in. I’m sorry you can’t understand that.