Kamala / Walz 2024

NYT: You also go to Fox News and I am wondering why you do that.

Pete: Well, the reason I think it’s so important to take the message there is because I know that there are so many people who tune in in good faith. So I as a political figure, can hardly blame a voter for not being responsive to our message if they literally have never heard it. And we were in a very fragmented environment. Honestly, we were lucky if we can get to somebody through TV versus just even more fragmented internet sources. And I know that if I’m on that network, I’m one of relatively few voices with our message. And so if I didn’t go there to give that message, somebody might literally never hear it. I also know that you cannot assume who somebody is or how they’re gonna vote just based on what network they watch. There’s a lot of people who can be moved and sometimes the person who picked the channel is not the same as the other person who’s also in the house who’s listening to what’s being said. And so I think there’s a responsibility to take this message into those spaces. Sometimes when you explain what you believe to somebody, even if they don’t completely agree with you, they respect you more and, and are are inclined to maybe trust you and, and give you the benefit of the doubt. So that’s why I’m there.


Me watching folks on this forum (and across the internet, and in real life) become Pete-pilled



My emotions wheel

Ecstatic: Walz, Buttigieg
Happy: Kelly
Worried: Shapiro
Disappointed: Beshear, Cooper


I think mine is exactly the same as yours.

However, one thing I’ve noticed is that Kelly hasn’t really been out there much this week. I’ve seen the others doing TV hits and rallies or campaign events for the admin, and I haven’t seen much from Kelly. That is a bit worrisome.

Can someone tell me what exactly happens to Kelly’s seat if it ends up being him?

At the end of the day I really don’t think VP matters that much (although Vance may be putting that to the test).

None of them take anything away from the table. Here’s what they might bring

Beshear: Nothing
Cooper: Probably Nothing (seriously don’t think NC is in play)

Walz: likeable, almost wish he were running for President instead of Kamala
Pete: he can dunk on them nonstop like no one else. Also if he wins, he will be tough to beat when Kamala is done

Kelly: Maybe AZ
Shapiro: Maybe PA

So all I’m sure of is

Shapiro > Kelly > Cooper > Beshear
Walz > Pete

If you want to combine the lists, it’s going to depend on how likely those four guys are to locking up their respective states. I don’t have a good handle on that. I guess I can safely say Beshear is dead last. He’s never delivering KY and his dunk attempts are weak AF.

If Kelly is picked and Trump wins, Kelly just goes back to the Senate.

I think I’m exactly here too. I’m honestly not too fearful of the Beshear possibility though.


What happens if Harris/Kelly win?

Dem governor appoints a replacement and the seat is back up for grabs in the 2026 midterms.

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When exactly does the replacement get seated?

I might use different words for the tier names and maybe drop Pete one level but yea that looks pretty good

That question is above my pay grade.

I suppose it may not matter. Presumably Kelly stays in his seat until his term is up (IIRC, that would be pre-inauguration). If Dems lose bigly in the Senate, then Kelly’s seat being open for some time may be inconsequential. On the other hand if we’re close to 50-50, having that seat vacant even for a short time could be very costly depending on how things play out.

I’m here too. I’d put Gretch in the top tier as well, but it doesn’t seem like she’s being talked about as being in the running any longer.

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I think she said she doesn’t want it.

While many of the “I don’t want its” we hear are fake, I think she’s taken herself out for real.

Kelly just won a full term in 2022, he’s not up for election so he can stay seated until inauguration day.

more practically though, in this situation where Harris/Kelley wins but the GOP has an incoming senate majority, he probably resigns before January 3rd and the governor replaces him immediately (before the new GOP majority is sworn in)

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Does the constitution say anything about serving as a Senator and VP at the same time? Or is that just a norm?

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Tim Walz would be a great choice. Very progressive and a popular Governor of a Midwestern state.


uhhhhh if there were any question about this I am sure someone would have tried this by now wouldn’t they?

