Kamala / Walz 2024

Yea make this man VP

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I would really be fine with anybody on the shortlist, but every time I see Walz talk I like him more. Not that anybody cares, but he would make Vance look so bad if they debated. So would Pete, but in a different way.


Waltz to good to be VP - viral, likeable, able to articulate a policy agenda, good on TV, once had a real job! No way they let him on the ticket. I have never seen Shapiro on TV, nor have I heard anyone say anything super positive about him, so I assume he will be the pick.


Seems like he has zero recognition outside Kentucky and would add very little. Unlikely he would spin up a lot of positive emotions on the final stretch of the campaign.

We get walz a Hollywood hair toupee and he looks ten years younger. Bam.

Right. Like I thought he might have some incredible political skills to win statewide in KY as a Dem, and he probably is good at some things. But given that designated attack dog is usually part of the VP nomineeā€™s job on the trail, nothing really indicates heā€™s up for that. Just comes across as a poor manā€™s Tim Kaine to me.

Beshear isnā€™t a bad politician, but his Dad was the Governor for 8 years. That is a huge local advantage, but doesnā€™t amount to much nationally, especially since the Gov of Ky doesnā€™t usually get national publicity the way the head of a bigger state might.

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Pete on Fox News. Donā€™t know how old this is.


Iā€™m sure Pete would be great. For me, though, he comes off more as a polished debater vs. Walz as a folksy guy with passion.


Thatā€™s from this morning. He appears to have crushed it as usual.



Yeah, this is exactly how I see them.

Iā€™m one of the weirdos who prefer the former, but itā€™s seems like most humans like the latter better.

I think thatā€™s why Walz vs Vance would be so much fun. For once our guy would be the plainspoken salt-of-the-earth option!

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Yeah, I get that. Itā€™s just not something I personally care about. Itā€™s also a large part of why if Iā€™m Kamala, Iā€™ve got Walz ahead of Pete.

Yeah this is exactly where I am at.


But having lived through Duterteā€™s massive backswing on democracy in the Philippines, I want to say this isnā€™t binary.

A trump presidency will make the US much less democratic, it will cost lives, and it will set the US back considerably for years in terms of democracy.

This isnā€™t binary, so that could range from bad outcomes to very very bad outcomes.

I mean. Trump literally said it. Sure heā€™s testing the message to see how much he can get away with, but he said it for a reason.


Right, Beshear winning a red state is like Romney winning Mass as a Republican. Didnā€™t really translate to appeal in other blue states or swing states

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I would like to formally deny that I am Tim Walz.



ā€œYeah. I want to feed hungry kids, what a monsterā€ is absolutely the way to defend attacks on popular progressive policy. Donā€™t concede the ground.


Fox News Sunday anchor Shannon Bream asked Buttigieg whether Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumed Democratic nominee, ā€œwas aware of how [Biden] was doingā€ before he made the decision to step down from the presidential race. Buttigieg acknowledged Bidenā€™s age but pivoted to criticize Trump.

ā€œUnlike Republicans ā€” right ā€” who in Trumpā€™s personality cult will take a look at Donald Trump and say heā€™s perfectly fine, even though he seemed unable to tell the difference between Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi, even though heā€™s rambling about electrocuting sharks and Hannibal Lecter, even though he is clearly older and stranger than he was when America got to know him, they say heā€™s strong as an ox, leaps tall buildings in a single bound. We donā€™t have that kind of warped reality on our side,ā€ Buttigieg said.

When Bream interjected to say that Trump ā€œdid say he wanted to get rid of Roe v. Wade, but again, sent it to the states where they are hashing this out.ā€
ā€œAnd empowered the states to eliminate womenā€™s access to abortion and also, as you know, the Republican Party continues to be interested in a national abortion ban,ā€ Buttigieg responded.

ā€œWhich [Trump] has disavowed completely,ā€ Bream said.

ā€œYeah, heā€™s disavowed a lot of things,ā€ Buttigieg said. ā€œBecause he lies all the time.ā€

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From 2019.