Kamala / Walz 2024

Republicans don’t seem to let this sort of thing stop them.

There’s no rule that says Biden can’t be VP.


Duno if they are trying to help Tim’s cause by comparing him to Brad. I would have gone with “he’s 18 years younger than Trump”.

(he’s only 6 months older than Kamala)

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It’s in there. Art. I sec. 6 cl. 2.


Thanks. I probably could have looked it up, but I figured someone around here would know.

Pete is a badass even if some of his personal views suck.

Dude is just full guns blazing every chance he gets.


Sold. He talks young, he’s a rare dem that understands how point out crazy without coming across as a whiny , Libby Karans.

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(+ @Melkerson )

The constitutional language @LKJ pointed out was accurate, but I found a semi-amusing article from 2020 where a lawbro argued that Kamala should try to hold on to her Senate seat and argue that it was cool b/c Veep is not “an office of the United States”

  1. That seems like a wild argument, but it was actually used semi-successfully by Trump in the COvballot access case, so maybe it could work wrt VP?

  2. How much wilder would Jan 2021 have been if, in addition to all of the J6 nonsense, Kamala had also been out here going all Wolf of Wall Street on her Senate seat?

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Seems like quite an informed take from some dude at an Irish university (though it looks like he was educated here).

Yeah, he attended University of Chicago, got a JD from Harvard, clerked for a bunch of American judges and worked at some big time law firms. Don’t know for sure, but if I had to guess he’s probably American but just got a cool teaching gig in Ireland.

Hotter, too


It’s not that vague, you’re just bad at reading things.

“I don’t believe him because he lies all the time.”

Is just perfect, clear messaging.


Yeah Pete’s ability to go on Fox and just drop one-liners like that and completely take control when the hosts try to gotcha him really won me over. Sticking to the whole “Roe was the law of the land for over 50 years” even when the host tried to pivot to “some states will abort full term babies” was another great example, he didn’t even attempt to rebut the nonsense just stuck to the facts and kept hammering them.


FTR I have been since day one


Yeah same. I actually thought he was already well regarded around here

He pissed a lot of people off here in the 2020 campaign when he used right-wing talking points to go after Bernie.

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Pete “people love their insurance” Buttigieg

I’ll be satisfied if he’s the VP, considering that we’re grading on a curve relative to everyone else the Dems could pick. I assume a lot of people here feel the same way. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that I/we like him.


See: Harris, Kamala