Gregorio made a post after this that made the idea more palatable but I don’t want to seem like I’m ignoring you.
There’s a reason it was like pulling teeth to get you all to admit this (I actually wasn’t sure how far it was gonna go) and we both know why: on its face it sounds patently ridiculous. The conversation would’ve went like:
Clovis: That Rogan-Khan thing is racist.
People: Lol no. Why? How?
Clovis: A POC somewhere out there might somehow, some way, find it racist, therefore, it is racist.
People (not familiar with standpoint epistemology on steroids): wat
Me (thinking): lol no fucking way are they gonna go all way the down that standpoint rabbithole
I hate having somebody I’m talking to feel like they need to have read a book but at the same time I hate having people think they need to tell me a book to read, so: this is standpoint epistemology to such a degree (on steroids?) that it needs to be fully essentialist in order to be meaningful (otherwise it’s literally just a specific person with specific feelings) and in turn actually leads to increased marginalization and atomization, at least in the worst case scenario. You disagree. That’s fine, but it’s my, uh, standpoint.
Ok, that’s out of the way. You seem to be describing simply being kind and caring, and being kind and caring is the thing that can’t be objectively quantified, likewise somebody’s pain can’t be objectively quantified, and likewise again most people are fucking assholes. They won’t willfully stop being fucking assholes and become something subjective like “kind and caring” but they will avoid being labelled something concrete and objective, like racist. I get it. It’s a great trick and I hope it works. It just leads to ridiculous conversations when you talk to somebody who knows that the lady doesn’t actually get sawed in half.
The fact that the word “pidgin” hasn’t been used once in this thread is kinda weird but I think the discussion flew off the rails before it could happen.
Ya I’m really struggling with his posts too. I can’t figure out what his position is at all. He seems to make a post agreeing then the next one totally counters the previous one.
It’s the constant mix of attempts at humour and serious discussion.
My very first anthropology prof used an explanation that has stuck with me for decades.
If you lined up every person on earth from least to most characteristic of some racial trait there would be no way to draw a line between the “races”.
They are arbitrary distinctions based on loose geographic distribution but mostly based on long established power structures as noted in the video you posted.
All of this seems like it should be excised to it’s own thread. Hard to say any of it is related to Joe Rogan, outside of the random meme that was posted from 4chan → reddit → UP.
Look, the meme that was posted is not something that I’d usually laugh about and I see it as a slight on my countrymen too because of the social constructs between here and England that we’ve dealt with for centuries with all the Bigitory BS thrown our way.
But we Scots would use that to joke about ourselves in a way and to joke about JR types all day long knowing that it’s a self-deprecating joke that’s also used to degrade us.
Therefore am I allowed to laugh at it, dam right I am because I am actually a illiterate ■■■■■
I think of race and other social constructs as heuristics that most people need to use because “optimal” thinking is too much of a cognitive burden. My perspective on this is driven by studies in political psychology. I’m pessimistic about the idea of a society where racism is ever truly eliminated.
Yes & Clansmen And used to degrade irishmen & JR is part Irish.
Which makes the meme worse imo when aimed at JR.
Yes, definitely and reading the paragraph makes sence now, for me.
I think us Scots folk built up so much defence systems to the mud slinging from down south that we tend to laugh a lot of tropes off and hence why when the BoomBox thingy came up I automatically seen it as a word we used to joke with ourselves knowing full well what it meant, creating an environment where we grew skin thicker than most.
Our humour may be unique and ruff around the edges but if you listen closely enough you’ll realise that we’re punching up/down on ourselves the most.
Wear that shit like a badge and be proud, broken English is welcome here.
6ix makes some unique points that you might have to think about for a minute or have clarified. Also he makes tons of asides, so you either have to read it carefully and keep the main point in mind or re-read and leave the asides out.
My bad, the cross-conversations are hard to navigate. That wasn’t in reference to the Rogan thing, it was in reference to the things that specifically are not tropes. Did you read Gregorio’s long post about his Iranian friend?
Grunching but thanks for the defense. To be blunt that posting style comes out when I try really hard to not be antagonistic. Like, not as a whole post but each word.
Those replies are an equivalent of Clovis saying something to me and me turning to you and saying, “Hey Cassette that Clovis sure does speak a bunch of gibberish boy howdy!”