JFK Assassination Bombshell

Many Americans wonder why the CIA is still concealing records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which happened nearly 60 years ago.

We now have the answer. The CIA is hiding something terribly embarrassing, if not incriminating, about its role in the JFK story. In mid-1963, senior Agency officials approved a covert operation that used Lee Harvey Oswald for intelligence purposes, three months before Oswald allegedly shot and killed the president in Dallas on November 22, 1963. The CIA hid this operation from the Warren Commission in 1964, from the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978, and from the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) in 1998. The explosive story is told in 44 JFK records that the CIA has “denied in full” to the public.

Jefferson Morley is a journalist who has written for The Intercept among other places. He’s doing a press conference about this at the National Press Club tomorrow.



So it was Rafael Cruz all along, Trump was right


Ah yes, the original controlled demolition. JFK theories are always compelling

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god i hope we’re not still getting trump news 60 years from now


itysl shocked reading

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Can a whole thread be blocked?



IDK, I find the insinuation that this is crazy conspiracy territory weird. Like top elements in the CIA are known to have considered JFK to be dangerously misguided in terms of Cold War policy. The CIA is known to have carried out political assassinations during this period. You’re telling me that “also btw the guy who shot JFK was employed by the CIA right before he did it” doesn’t move the needle? OK.


If he doesn’t suicide first


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snape killed dumbledore

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How is this not at least interesting for you?

I’ve read a few books about the JFK assassination, got into it pretty heavily for a while. Ultimately I became convinced Oswald acted alone. But nothing rules out some kind of CIA shenanigans like this.

Jack Ruby is really weird too. Lots of evidence that he did act spontaneously, like leaving his beloved dog in the car. But man that sure turned out to be convenient if Oswald had some beans to spill.

I’ve also wondered if Sirhan Sirhan was some kind of Manchurian candidate. He says he doesn’t remember anything.



Update? Was there a press conference today or did he fall down a staircase?

I think that Oswald acted alone, but the secret service accidentally shot him in the skull in an attempt to return fire


Yea almost said this, that was the newest theory and I thought kinda accepted?

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It happened. Morley didn’t present any documents - they’re still sealed - but he claimed to know the content of a sealed document, which details the CIA using Oswald in an attempt to discredit the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, an activist group sympathetic to the Cuban revolution. This was commonplace from the FBI during COINTELPRO, they would send agents to infiltrate groups and the agents would behave in ways which discredited the group, try to destroy the reputations of fellow activists, and generally behave destructively. I didn’t watch the press conference so I’m not sure on the details but the allegation is that’s how the CIA used Oswald.

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It’s unsurprising that Oswald was on the CIA’s radar. He defected to the Soviet Union after all. Of course they’re going to have had interactions with Oswald after he comes back. That doesn’t mean that the CIA were in on killing Kennedy. Doesn’t mean that they weren’t, either, but I doubt it. And obviously the CIA is going to keep that info secret in perpetuity either way, that’s the whole point of the classification system: to keep information that’s embarrassing or damaging to the deep state hidden from the public.