Wow 26 new poasts and I’m expecting the resurrection of Alex Trebek and I get a dissertation on the EV calc vs the emotional impact of missing FJ.
2nd should assume that 3rd is going to ring in. If you assume 3rd is going to ring in then you HAVE to try to buzz in before them
But in this scenario 2nd and 3rd are both negative by the final clue, so it’s safe to assume they’re both very below average players. So if I’m 2nd and below average why would I give a shit if 3rd who is also below average rings in first? They’re going to miss like 90+% of the time anyway, as will I because we’re both garbage players. Let them ring in and miss, then you can take a wild stab if you want.
- it’s the last clue
- you have to get it right to go to FJ and not feel like a fucking loser for the rest of your life
- if they buzz in first you may not get a chance to answer
- they aren’t missing 90% of the time come on
- even if they do miss that much, them missing isn’t going to really help you very much (if they’re as garbage as you think they are, they’re unlikely to eliminate a strong possibility)
maybe I could see this argument if by them missing you would get to go to FJ without buzzing in, but that isn’t the case
- sure
- nope
- i’ll give you there’s a chance
- jlawokay.gif
- them missing means you get a free guess without costing yourself $1k. There is 0 value of any other kind involved here other than feels which are for losers.
if they’re as bad as you think, if you do miss they’re still going to buzz in after you and miss anyway so you’re not directly costing yourself any money by going before them
No, they’ll just take the extra $1k and laugh. Lol anybody who’s in that spot who’s like “oh well I might feel bad if I end negative, better cost myself an extra $1k and still feel bad by ringing in and guessing ‘what is I’m a dumb fuck?’”
This whole debate is a no win scenario
so on tonight’s episode the dude in the middle is a buddy and the day before they filmed I was apparently the only person free so I drove from SF to LA with him and we drilled flashcards for like ten hours. He’d be the first to tell you that he’s not some invincible trivia beast and I was sorta low-key worried something mortifying might happen, but nope, he did great! Dramatic game too. And as a bonus his buzzing technique gave him a decent core workout. I don’t really know jeopardy and in real time I was questioning her FJ bet but in retrospect she was prob right on the math of it
He’s given her the best run so far.
Friday in DD the “oh golly gee whiz I have more than double the 2nd place schmuck!!!” when she found the DD was just … holy fuck. Shut the fuck up.
I mean I think she’s sincere and not trying to dunk on people but got DAMN doesn’t she have a friend to tell her to shut the fuck up?
I missed this. How exactly did that get phrased? Cause holy shit that is awkward.
I think it was the 2nd DD of the round (IIRC, she got the first one and made another dumb comment along the lines of “hmmm this is an interesting situation” when it was a completely mundane early DJ DD situation). Ken pointed out that the last correct response she gave pushed her over 2x 2nd place’s score.
Ugh, she did this again today. Very early on, she has like 2,200 and the others have similar scores. She’s like “hmmm this is interesting… Blah blah blah”. So annoying.
Wonder if her ‘aww shucks’ demeanor is throwing us off, she absolutely destroyed the competition yesterday (then bet $0 on FJ although it was somewhat understandable given the US centric category; she did end up getting it right).
bulllllll, she’s made over 500K, what is the harm in risking the max there and getting it wrong? Seeing the $0 when she had a 15K cushion made me so mad.
She clearly isn’t dumb in any sense of the word. She knows her shit. Her FJ percentage is better than Amodio. But her per game average is appalling compared to the rest of the champs this year because her betting strats are so so so bad.
One of the biggest gripes I’m having is with her commentating after getting an answer wrong while there are still other contestants left to answer. Like, you got it wrong. Shut your mouth so others can think.
Yeah upon further review I agree she is pretty annoying; she makes it sound like she’s guessing every time she’s not 100% certain of an answer. I don’t actively dislike her but she could tone the ‘aww shucks’ down at this point.
She’s said in several interviews that she’s very conservative with money, and as a 23-year-old without a career, I can totally understand it. If I was up there, I’d be more comfortable than most to put a bunch of money on the line in FJ even I wasn’t super happy with the category, but then, I have way fewer financial worries in real life.
Incidentally, she popped up in the feed of a Canadian news podcast I listen to today as the guest co-host and had a really engaging conversation.