Jeopardy! Thread (No spoilers until after the show EST)

Lol, my wife changed the channel as soon as the show ended because she saw how I was just going to go on and on about the stupid wager.


Mine just rolls her eyes.

Because most people see it as a trivia show.

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never occured to me that someone might miss a question on jeopardy


mfw I watched todays match

Not gonna lie, I was rooting pretty hard for the solo FJ over the last 10 clues.

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I feel like Mattea has faced pretty weak opposition through her run. Not to mention the lady who didn’t bet enough to win on FJ the other day.

She annoys me a bit with her quirks, so I hope we get a new champion soon.

“I should have bet more” every time she gets a DD right is megatilting

She’s gotten very lucky that opponents have had crucial DD misses recently

Today was tilting because the last clue in DJ would have gotten either of the challengers out of the red and NEITHER of them even tried to guess. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE???


Yeah, I got some TV yelling in last night. Ringing in and saying “Who is George Washington?” is 100000X better than not buzzing in and outright having zero chance.

Man, this show has been tilting me all week, and I like the champ, but her poor DD bets are just going to murder her in the ToC

And then only betting $5K in FJ. I nearly tore my hair out


No excuse for guy on right, but middle podium was absolutely correct in not ringing in and guessing.

That and her insistence on playing top to bottom. She’s gotten incredibly lucky to have had most opponents play the same style, and the ones who did hunt DDs getting them wrong a disproportionate amount of the time. I think she can make the ToC final, but she has virtually no shot against the two immortals.

I thought FJ was gonna be Cameo. Never heard of Masterclass but I’m familiar with Expertsexchange.

I was clueless during yesterday’s episode but got the FJ. Been watching a little more than usual thanks to an earlier works schedule, I like Mattea well enough but it is surprising she’s lasted this long as she doesn’t seem like a killer by any means. Guess I haven’t seen enough to be annoyed by her yet although her betting strategy is obviously weak.

Her overall knowledge is certainly on the higher end, but her betting is atrocious. 21K average for a superchamp with multiple runaways is really bad.

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Her quirks and mannerisms annoy me which I see as mostly a me problem. Why should I be bothered by that stuff? I think it’s because she’s won enough games where I expect her to act like a pro instead of saying “golly gee, I guess I should have wagered more!” for the 12th time in a row, and with perfect hindsight bias on ones she answered correctly. The one thing that I think justifiably annoys me is people slowing down the game with chatty bullshit and slowtalking. I also think some of her opponents have been less than thrilled with her schtick. For example, I noticed she’ll emote heavily sometimes in way that implies she’s really unsure of the answer and is making a wild guess, but it’ll be in the process of running a category or padding a commanding lead. Feels sort of like slowrolling I guess, and some of the recent constants have scowled the entire game while shooting some daggers.


She also has tiny hands. That doesn’t matter or anything, just something I noticed.

A Jeopardy contestant being odd and socially awkward? I’m shocked I tell you! Shocked!

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