Jeffrey Epstein and Associates


Wait wait, donā€™t go yet. I genuinely want an answer to my last question. Iā€™m trying to understand just how stupid you actually are.

Absolutely not

Having semi-recently travelled internationally with a 15-year old (male) and several 16-year olds (female),none of whom were my children, Iā€˜ll have to say this is only true if NYC airports are very different from Oā€˜Hare.

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Yeah, the woman who was raped. I tend to believe her but do you

Depends on what they were wearing.

Our glorious forum is on a roll with ā€œthatā€™s not offensive in my cultureā€. Oh well, I guess weā€™ll just have to let 16 year old girls fend for themselves.

He said he took the L. Letā€™s move on.


Who among us has never accidentally participated in child trafficking? Give her a break IMO.


Ok, I only skim read the WaPo affadavit and didnā€™t take in any of the names.

Yes I would think itā€™s very likely to be true.

What in the fuck is wrong with you.

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You should not post stuff that you donā€™t want people to comment on.

Even if you think you were not entirely blameless in your situation, that doesnā€™t mean that other minor children who were raped were not entirely blameless. And it seems like your post might be suggesting that they all played a role in what happened to them. That thought should not go unchallenged here.


ā€œFucking 14 Year Olds: Actually Bad? It Depends.ā€


The Brits do have a way with perversions


Divide by two and add seven is pretty solid unless both parties are over 30. If a 30 year old wants to sleep with a 90 year old thatā€™s up to them.

Anything else and guillotine. 32 with 16 is definitely a guillotining.


I donā€™t know of any framing where a sixteen year old is considered an adult in the US.

The US still has a lot of states where the age of consent is 16.

is a 16yr old a kid? Thatā€™s all I saying Marksman

Yes FFS, please stop posting in this thread

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alan dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Adnan Khashoggi, Clinton and many more. Justice soon, right?