ITV: Impeachment Television

virginia GOP doing great these days, since you know they don’t control anything anymore in VA

also over 10 years since they won a statewide election

The Lord’s Resistance Army?

lol remember that pic of Grassley with the forlorn look on his face when he emerged from the intel briefing on Russian election interference and how much hope it gave morons everywhere? Seems like a lifetime ago

Maybe he was forlorn over his soul because he knew how badly he’d have to debase himself to cover for Trump.

Maybe he forgot to wear his Oops I Crapped My Pants and crapped his pants.

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Quote from Mitt Romney explaining his vote:

4/3/2024: Donald Trump Pardons all Republicans in federal prison.


Yeah he def planted the seed. It’s happening

I cant hate myself too much for giving this statement an attaboy, right?

I mean, I find it hard to discern either a political or monetary advantage to Mitt Romney voting the way he did. He may even lose a primary in Utah because of it. I think he did it because he thought it was the right thing to do.


Good for Mitt. I thought he would chicken out but turns out he is probably better than half the people on our side.


Nah, c’mon, get real… only the ones in states that allow ex-cons to vote.

Jesus why the fuck would you give him suggestions, even I didn’t think of that.

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Don’t know if you’ve ever played MTG but they have a phrase “ban everything until X is playable then ban X.” We want to move left until BS is a right winger then oust BS :)


Yeah I played a long long long time ago, but fairly seriously. The Odyssey Block PTQ season was my last hurrah. When I stopped playing super seriously I pretty much quit for good.

Yes I’d fucking love to be a right winger. The implications would be absolutely lovely… assuming it doesn’t go horribly sideways. Me as a far right winger might be super bad.

I contributed to Doug Jones and Mitt Romney today.


I get what you did there, but Doug Jones has no shot and Mitt Romney’s almost certainly winning. I guess if they both got a big surge of donations, it might make a slight difference in people’s political calculus going forward, or make it a story for another day, which is good.

Romney is worth like 250 million. I think a nice thank you email or letter would have sufficed.


Mitts not up for reelection until 2024.