ITV: Impeachment Television

he literally tweeted he’s a yes before you posted this

hilarious how the whole week R’s were all “we’re totally getting a few D votes and no R defectors” and it ended up one R and zero D defectors.


Bipartisan vote to convict. Ha ha.


Manchin and Jones are officially toast with these conviction votes. Manchin has gotten so much hate on here, but I hope you all at least appreciate he stepped up here.


PI creeping up on Murkowski convict (1c to 3c) and Trump convicted first term (3c to 5c). Typical PI WTF I guess.

I know your dad’s type, he isn’t a Never Trump Republican, he is an Embarrassed by Trump Republican. Only way to deal w/ these people is to call them out, say you are not making any sense, it’s clear that at the end of the day you are taking the R’s deal w/ the devil (Trump), just tell me why.


Huh? Convict is 2/3. Or is that the WTF?

I saw the trump line move up too, but you couldn’t buy NO at 4 or 5.

I only had Jones to convict and all the non romney R’s to not convict (but didn’t buy him yes). I was very tempted on manchin to convict but there were so few shares before a huge price jump I laid off. Sienma I really dropped the ball on though. Didn’t have a clue.

Obviously I had trump not getting convicted maxed out.

This one kind of surprised me.

Oh well we may actually have two space cadet senators from Arizona after this year

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Jones is toast regardless.

Manchin is not up again until 2024 (if he even decides to run; he’s 72)

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I’ve got Manchin either stepping aside to run for governor next time or just retiring outright. Jones was always toast.

Nobody expected any different.

I just want them to line up impeachment #2 just to keep Trump pissed off and stressed out. Maybe it’ll kill him before the election.

Kennedy goes down as a top 10 evil villain in all this. What a fucking scumbag.

Um - has there ever been a time in history when The Resistance was the bad guys?

Well we’ve had one impeachment yes, but what about second impeachment?


How about elevenses

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Sorry libtards, Trump is “acquitted for life”!!

The seven republican senators who voted to convict Clinton and acquit Trump.

Mike Crapo (ID)

Mike Enzi (WY)

Chuck Grassley (IA)

Jim Inhofe (OK)

Mitch McConnell (KY)

Pat Roberts (KS)

Richard Shelby (AL)

All except Shelby voted to convict on both articles for Clinton.

Someone tell the NY AG’s office, and the NYC AG’s office. I’m sure that’ll be all it takes for them to not insta arrest him the day he leaves office.

Like a Murderer’s Row of complete shitbags