ITV: Impeachment Television

Catching up on some of the clown show from last night. Bondi said Hunter required investigation due to his:

[ ] impropriety
[ ] appearance of impropriety
[x] potential appearance of impropriety

Oh is he related to Joe Biden? I HAD NO IDEA. TOTAL COINCIDENCE!

I think a Bernie clone only really has a chance if there are some changes made at the federal and state level to restore unions. WV was reliably blue until the union busting really took hold.

Right, it’s weird. Wasn’t Bolton a frequent Fox News contributor for a decent length of time?

Damn I was hoping they wouldn’t roll this strategy out until they votes for witnesses and the Presictit No market went to pennies.

They are never letting Bolton testify in public.


Just head down to the Capitol and demand they call you as a witness, Rudy.

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Hey John, you were and continue to be complicit in all of this bullshit. Calling for witnesses isn’t enough, and you should be shunned from polite society for the rest of your life. How about you speak the fuck up or shut the fuck up.


How’s the kids in cages company board seat working out, John?

Fuck off.

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We are ten minutes in and im asleep

I know we all made fun of Republicans for saying the trial was boring a few days ago, but oh my god, this defense is the most boring shit of all time. And it’s incredible how little of it actually defends Trump. It’s almost all process arguments and how it’s dangerous to impeach.

I can’t imagine more than a couple Senators actually absorbing any of this. The House Managers went long, but they at least laid out an interesting story.

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Sekulow is out of breath just walking to the podium.

Ok then, I’m glad I’m not watching this atm.

I mean

If they need another rung before they will justify Bolton

Subpoena the acquiring editor
Subpoena the editorial director and/or publisher who approved the acquisition
Subpoena the copyeditor
Subpoena the proofreader
Subpoena the book formatter

That’s like six people who can all speak to the content of the book. And that’s even if the book has been placed under heavy quarantine within the publishing house until release.

The real sham is Bolton requiring them to subpoena him, but if that’s the game, then let’s play

They’re getting desperate trying to frame this as a “policy difference”. A policy difference with himself? My understanding was that Congress appropriated the money for Ukraine and Trump signed the bill. Then Ukraine passed the anti-corruption protocols. The policy was to give them the money and that didn’t happen due to the quid pro quo.


One benefit to this process is that although any one argument may not convince a single R voter to stop supporting Trump, the deluge of these batshit obviously false defenses I think will erode some people around the edges. So I think it’s a good thing, still.