ITV: Impeachment Television

The best ones.

I genuinely hope this is true but I’ll believe it when I see it.


current reporting is they have the votes to call witnesses but they don’t yet have the votes to call any witness individually

But there was a crime. Extortion.

Lol they’ll probably peel off four Republicans only to have Manchin torpedo witnesses.

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He should’ve said nothing instead but he’s not gonna say something like “man those guys are all lying morons” since he’s west virginia.

He’s in a stupid spot–trying to figure out how he can both save his seat in the future and not piss off everyone in his state at the same time. (I don’t think it’s possible but I thought he’d definitely lose last time so what do I know)

These stories about the Bolton manuscript rattling Republicans behind closed doors are mystifying. Surely none of them actually believe Trump didn’t do all the crimes, but it’s hard to figure out why else the stories exist. They have no value as kayfabe.

Edit: maybe they’re correct that Bolton saying Trump confessed to doing the crimes with Ukraine will break through to your average dumb as rocks swing voter?

It’s 99% farce (ala Louie’s comment about gambling at Rick’s in Casablanca) and 1% plausible deniability. They correctly assume that none of the details will seep into the deplorables’ universe. Besides everyone knows that Trump is a liar and a cheat. It’s a feature not a bug.

People care about what Bolton has to say. The public perception is that his claims will cut through politics and be the unavoidable truth of a patriot.

The Fox spin machine is working to dismiss him as a checks notes Democrat hahahahahaha but glgl getting that to stick the same way.

Maybe it’s something about Bolton, maybe it’s a culmination of impeachment to this point, maybe it’s the alignment of Jupiter and Uranus, but this is potentially as game changing as the Ukraine scandal was at moving the public perception of impeachment.

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Means nothing


I love this! My favorite Snoopy line of all time is “If they’re so smart, why are they pigs?”

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I’ve got to think it’s this. If Bolton testifies and says yup, Trump totally 100% did it, the jig is up. The GOP Senators will have to decide if they want to go with the “he’s guilty but it’s not impeachable” line.

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The GOP Senators have likely wanted to go with that line the whole time, but Trump wouldn’t let them. So its “he’s guilty, not impeachable, and a liar, but we knew that already and everyone was cool with it”.

Yeah I mean they will still vote to acquit obv but I feel like it’d be really bad for the senators is tougher seats if Bolton testified that Trump did all the crimes and they still vote to acquit, so they will find a way to prevent him.

The senators in tough seats will vote for him to testify and then the WH will try to tie it up in courts, and if that fails offer Bolton something to keep quiet.

This sort of thing comes up time and time again, and is always baffling. It usually makes me think of the Chilcot Report, the report from the investigation into the UK decision to invade Iraq in 2003. In that it was clear that even in discussions with his closest advisors Blair just made the same nonsense points about WMD, and vague stuff about his conviction to stand by the US.

Was there anything more? It always seems like there must have been, it was perfectly clear to Blair that the US was not invading based on WMD, and that the UK government were the ones to do all the work to get that fig leaf in place, but, even in private he never talked in that way, it seems.

So why are they concerned even in private? No matter how bizarre it sounds I think it’s the exact same reasons they’re concerned in public. These are people who have internalised the playbook to their very cores, it’s the only way to function as a certain kind of politician. I think the commitment to their own BS and the fear of speaking contrary to it are so deep that it’s an impossible question to answer as to whether they’re lying or not. It’s like the tree falling in the woods. Say they do make calculations at the ‘reality’ based cynical level but then never give the slightest external sign of it, does that even make sense as a description of human ‘thought’?


He needs to be primaried.

It’s pointless and probably self defeating in West Virginia. Any true Democrat will lose by a million points.


But a Bernie clone has a chance

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