ITV: Impeachment Television

Low energy Ken.

Starr is off to an odd start.

Ah yes, the “too many inpeachments” defense

He might was well go up there and just say lol impeachaments and call it a day.


Remember when Republicans said the impeachment trial was boring?

I’d probably risk imprisonment just to yell, “GET ON WITH IT ALREADY! JEEEEEEZ!”

My god. This is the opposite of the Kavanaugh I LIKE BEER speech. Keep it up you boring old fuck.

Still no defenses mounted

Now he’s basically like, “A bunch of shitty-ass elected officials have been impeached but weren’t removed.”

Its time for “shitty history with uncle grandpa”

Man is Kenn confused. The issue isn’t whether impeachment is a threat against every president, it’s whether every president does something worthy of impeachment.

Just LOL at the same old tired argument against accountability. If every president was Trump, every president would be impeached. That’s a feature, not a glitch.

And I know it’s only 30m into this shitshow, but I predict just as weak or nonexistent arguments defending Trump on any merits. Just more outrage about process and the fact that it’s happening at all.

“Like war, impeachment is hell.”


Gotta be less than 30m before Trump quotes that for the first of many tweets

Ken Start is literally arguing that the concept of impeachment is outdated and that Ds will regret when Rs are the ones with the impeachment pens. Holy wtf…


I like it when they say “this body.”

This seems true to me, next time the Rs get control of the House it’s impeachment time for whatever Dem happens to be President, probably for the exact same charges Trump was impeached on.

Update on number of goo senators asleep?

QF goo senators


This feels like the 10,000 word essay that tap dances all over the place without saying anything.

The summer child in me wants to read Starr’s low energy as defeated, not bored

TBF almost all Senators could fairly be described as gooey.

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I thought the entire Dem case was EVISCERATED on Saturday. Why do they think they have to keep going today?

Is he really arguing “no actual indictable crime, so can’t impeach”? LOL

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