ITV: Impeachment Television

That’s what they want you to think. Don’t give up! Abandoning this false punctuation dogma for the one true spacing will transform your life.


I find double spaces post-period to be aesthetically more pleasing and easier to read.


NBZ edgelording again


I also. Use. Two spaces. After periods.

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Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing for me.

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Oh man I wanted to lose my virginity to her. Still hoping.


So this feels a lot like a chess game where you’re closing off your opponent at every turn and the writing is going up on the wall, and then your opponent just knocks all the pieces off the board, declares himself the winner and goes home.

I learned it in jr. high listening to Journey and have never seen a reason to stop.

Head in the sand while feeding documents into a shredder sounds right.

Chief Justice Roberts turns 65 today. That means we just have to wait – checks actuarial tables – 20 years for a new Chief Justice.

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Nah. Someone will give his kid something and he will retire when there is a R senate + president


Brett Kavanaugh is 54. JFC

Can alcoholism lead to liver cancer? If so, how fatal?

Gorsuch is only 52.

In contrast, Sotomayor is older than all three of them. Thanks Obama.


I was curious to see if Sekulow would start by extending warm wishes (or thoughts and prayers or whatever) to Rep. Nadler and his wife, who is fighting pancreatic cancer. As expected, he did not.

I’m stuck in a car dealership with nbc on so I have to listen to these GOP windbags for the foreseeable future.

Im kinda excited to see just how bad this is going to be

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O/U on actual defenses mounted by clownsel - 1.5

Ken starr: “impeachment is defined by websters dictionary as…” “a dictionary is defined by websters dictionary as…”
“I rest my case”