ITV: Impeachment Television


cuserounder when somebody starts a guillotine game:


A timely bump

Guardian News

No Clownsel today?

Yeah here he is

Hey cool. The presidents lawyer doesnt understand how grand juries work either. If these guys are the floor, I could totally pass the Bar.

Did Clownsel just make the claim that because of the Holder decision there is precedent that the president cant avoid subpoenas?

So, no defense of the presidents actions, just hours and hours of complaints about process. This should be fun

And now second clownsel has openly lied about the president declassifying the phone call.

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Thank you for the play by play… I gratefully cannot watch today so appreciate your commentary.

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No problem. Cippolone seems ti be the definition of sleazy lawyer

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Wahhhhh, Mr Schiff doesnt like courts. They withdrew a subpoena against a guy they didnt need information from. Wahhhhh



45 minutes in. Still not a single defense of Trump

Lol Clownsel 2 complaining about hypocricy and stealing elections.

By the way, Pee-Wees secret word of the day is Ridiculous

Maybe ask Moscow Mitch about stealing things in an election year, Clownsel

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This incoherent fucker knows his audience, I’ll give him that.

Oh and by the way…
And let me tell you another story!
So the idea…
You’re on trial, everybody’s on trial!
It’s ridiculous!
Think about it!
It’s common sense!
Now let me tell you something!
The hipocrisy!
It’s like stealing an an election!
Partisan impeachment!
It’s outrageous!
I’ll tell you that right now!
They don’t have the guts!
Sacred rights!
Never been done before!
No one ever thought!
Fraudulent investigation!
I could go on and on!
Ridiculous charade!
Thank you!


He’s up there bitching about how they’re all stuck here. He should just cut his statement down to “he did it, I don’t give a fuck, you don’t give a fuck, get over it and move on”. Would be more efficient at least.

The sheer amount of lying and deflecting is quite high even by politics standards