ITV: Impeachment Television

Russian bot calling in

Lol at loving Jordan and Gaetz

Steney dinosaur joke was actually pretty good though

Tonight is a good night. The rest of time will be awful so enjoy it.


Apparently, some members vote on paper for significant votes because it becomes a momento they can keep.

Is your flair fucking Malygos?


@beetlejuice porno idea, now hear me out

In her opening remarks earlier tonight, Nancy said, “We gather today under the dome of this temple of democracy to exercise one of the most solemn powers that this body can take.”

With a slight rewording of her remarks, we arrive at, “I stand here today, my body a temple of debauchery, ready to exercise one of the most swollen peters that this body can take.”


exercise as in manipulate, use something long undisturbed

wait wat

For it to be real we’d have to get Nina Hartley out of retirement.

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Gotta love the GOP clutching pearls and screaming for their fainting couches when some applause went up after the passage of Article I. GTFO.

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Golden Maygos, sir

So you enjoy just being a big cheater then

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A stunning, out-of-nowhere julius caesar-style backstab where 20 republican senators vote to convict lol

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Oh the date


There’s always a tweet

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LOL what a clown.

Snap bet my bank account that doesn’t happen.

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I decided to look it up even though I was pretty sure what the outcome was going to be.

> As of 2019, Hartley remained active in the industry. Appearing primarily in “mature”-themed pornography


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