ITV: Impeachment Television

Why now? Roughly checks watch only 10,080 minutes before christmas?

That southern drawl of his = instant nausea

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Not a single thing about the evidence from Mccarthy here

I’ve legit come to respect you since you got here. I thought you were a RWN on 22. Turns out you just have a brain and use it :+1:


I’ve been on mute since Hoyer

You’re not missing much. Let’s state the obvious, if this was a D who did this shit the Rs would have burned the building down 5 months ago.

Somebody correct me if Im wrong, but there are no due process rights in a grand jury, right?

Lol at the previous congress being a working one

so nice and breathy

may haaah bless America

Let’s do this thing

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Impeach this Orange disgrace.

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Lol Amash beat them into the pot.

It’s done. Keel over and die from rage you fat fucking disgrace of a human.


So who is the nay on the dem side?

The Republican from NJ or from MN.

Ah so thats who they are trying to claim makes this a non partisan vote?

They’re Democrats technically they just suck. The dude from MN is a straight up Republican and supposedly the NJ guy is switching parties.

Whatever on the MN guy whose district is Trump +30. His number counts toward giving D’s a majority in the House, so I’ll take him. The NJ dude (Van Drew) can eat a dick, he is just a pathetic loser.

Why the hell do they need 15 minutes to push a god damn button?

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