ITV: Impeachment Television

This is the longest 1 minute in history

Pretty sure Schiff told her to just let him go as long as he wants.

Hes the closer

I fell asleep twice, he’s boring af


Steny Hoyer, someone I almost certainly agree with little on, definitely killing it.

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You guys suck, not everyone can be a zoomer.


Wow Steny Hoyer sucks and is an old loser. Totally disagree that this is good. You cannot make Republicans feel bad by calling out their hypocrisy, they dont feel it.


This. That was a fantastic speech.

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This isnt for the republicans.

Clock and the calendar!

I give it about 30 seconds more before I have to mute this dude.

Pick up your clock and calendar tshirts now!

Guys if we don’t play nice, the gop will take revenge when they are majority…


In the about 1 min I could stand listening to Hoyer, he said “Trump blocked his officials from testifying. Maybe they could have exonerated him,” and that there was “probable cause” that Trump abused his power with Ukraine. Fuck right off, you geriatric failure.

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Would you rather have the insane ramblings of Collins?

its been 87 years . jpg

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Lol at the reds claiming this is about partisanship

Lol. Elections matter while ignoring the impeachment of the elected congress.

These dumb fucks

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Think of CHRISTMAS!!!