ITV: Impeachment Television

30sec slots for as many GOP as possible so they can get their TV time and a Christmas Card from the White House.


Star chamber?

Lol who is the Kansas idiot?

Drinking game based on “duly elected President” would be fatal.


I really like Schrier. She would have been my congresswoman if I had stayed in the Seattle area

Oh boy. Here comes the Ukraniane conspiracy theory agai

SHITSHOW sums this up perfectly.

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Lol this guy

Schiff needs to pull an Eminem from 8 mile go all, pay attention you’re saying the same shit that he just said.

Lol Schiff just laughing at him

Lol Meadows. Continues to be one of the worst congressmen of all time.


Oh snap. So 13 minutes left now?

Lol thats not how senate evidence works dumbass

No, like an hour and 10

Why won’t someone pull out their phone and play Meadows saying Putin pays Trump into the mic? Because we suck thats fucking why


Prob cause kevin mcarthy said it

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Time to hit the Gym!

I’ve got a milkshake for after

very disappointed that “linkage” is still unchecked on my bingo card - thought it was a lock to come from Gym.