ITV: Impeachment Television

Swallwell up now

1:23:15 and 1:18 remaining

Repub and dem

Moment of silence itt to honor the 63 milions voters being silenced I guess?

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What a stupid fucking argument.

Its sooooooo stupid

From my fairly low info cousin who only became politically riled-up after Trump won:

Is anybody else following the Impeachment hearings today? What a waste of time. Itā€™s not going to change any votes. Either they believe the president abused his power and obstructed congressā€¦ or they donā€™t care. I am terribly disappointed that this had to be so partisan.

Comments from some of his friends:

Itā€™s hard to believe not a single Republican thinks there was any wrongdoing. Denial apparently works for many. It is disappointing. Incredibly

I feel the same way - extremely disappointed. This process is not functioning in the way that it was designed.

My reply:

It was never going to get him out of office - which requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate. Republicans will never turn on him - because itā€™s instant political suicide for them personally if they do. His base has zero allegiance to the Republican party and 100% allegiance to Trump. They think weā€™re at war, and want a dictator to snuff out the enemy.
But it may scare Trump a little and slow him down in his systematic destruction of our democracy. Anything that checks his power or slows him down is a good thing imo. Democrats have to keep taking the fight to him, or get run over.
Also it gets a lot of things on record that could eventually matter. Itā€™s certainly exposing the blatant hypocrisy of a ton of Republican congresspeople. Not that the base cares, but it could matter come election time and it could matter in criminal court. Eventually if the public turns on Trump, these hearings will help drag down a ton of his staunchest enablers along with him.

This was always my biggest concern - that low-info Dems thought something was actually going to happen other than getting a lot of stuff on the record and keeping Trump on the defensive.

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Holy shit this guy is a bingo card all by himself.

Socialist. Socialism. Far left. Abortion! Left wing mind reading!

Career bureaucrats! Swamp draining! Newspaper articles! CNN! DELUSIONAL! DELETERIOUS! DEEP YOGURT!

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Daaaaaamn, now thats how you raise your voice without yelling AT people.

Schiff alllllllmost calling Republicans liars. ā€œRepetition of this falsehood doesnā€™t make it trueā€

Im sorry, but who gives a shit what an opinion article in the Washington post said? How is that being offered as evidence by these fucking crooks?

Unfortunately, Schiff is wrong. Repeating something does make it true, this has been the Republican strategy of the recent past, maybe longer.


Itā€™s Salem Witches not Jesus - didnā€™t you read the letter? - everyone was giving it good marks apparently.

Hey, everyone, Iā€™m sorry for most of these people from Georgia.

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I liked Nadler calling out Gohmert for repeating Russian propaganda on the House floor who responded by yelling for two minutes inaudibly as his mic was cut off

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Doug Collins will probably argue that he doesnā€™t remember his state getting invaded.

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LOLOLOLOL wtf was that?

43 minutes and 29 minutes remain

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Ty I was just getting curious. So looking more like a 7:30 vote or so