ITV: Impeachment Television

Raskin is the most underrated MoC. He’s one of AOC’s top allies.

Been wanting to do this for a while.

Motion to ban the use of “sweet summer child” from the forum. Do I have a second?


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All in favor, vote yes. All opposed, vote no.

  • Yes! Ban the use of “sweet summer child” or variants.
  • No! Freeze peach (or other lame justification).

0 voters

I will only vote yes if it means any mention of g*** o* t****** at all also gets banned

Wait, what are the variants?

Not really any in particular, just trying to cover my bases for the inevitable rules lawyering when this passes.

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Fair enough. When does the vote end? I assume we will reconsider martial law if the votes don’t go our way?

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I will quit the forum if this passes

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She’s my district’s rep. Yay Arizona.

We’re just havin a laff m8.

At least I am! I do not speak for SensiblePerson.

That might be a bridge too far for some, although I’d be on board.

I dunno, give it through the evening (Pacific time)?

Worth considering as a contingency plan. I’d want it to convert “sweet summer child” to “dumb motherfucker” or something.

True, mostly. There are a few forum rhetorical “flourishes” that I am ready to see the back of though. “Sweet summer child”, “checks notes”, “narrator:” etc.

He probably hates the forum badges too.

Forgive him. He is still grieving the loss of Grumpy Cat.

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Those are all fine, but I draw the line at “that is my child”

If this passes, we should hold a second immediate vote to switch the main site over to French BBV

Nah, they kind of blew up in a hurry but it’s only been a few days. The contrarian in me did briefly wonder “WHERE WILL IT END?” though, I have to admit.

That did make me sad. What a loss.

That hasn’t been flogged to death like the other ones so we can let it slide.

As the first non-admin to post in French BBV, I guess I have to endorse this idea.

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I will take that as a second. The House of Unstucks will vote on the second proposal as soon as Senate Nunnejority votes to dismiss the first proposal without debate.

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How does one badge?