ITV: Impeachment Television


To the extent that McConnell admitted he would have to convict Trump on direct evidence, he is lying. The only way McConnell would convict Trump is if Republican voters turned on Trump. It is extremely unlikely they will thanks to the massive, billionaire-fueled propaganda machine Republicans have in their corner.

Thank you. Still don’t get how sweet summer child applies or is funny here but no worries.

Cool aviator though :ok_hand:

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Why thank you

I was thinking we could start a thread where next poster offers comments/suggestions on the previous posters avatar+flair

But maybe we should just repurpose this one

We used to have a thread like that at 2/2…Im sure of it… :joy:

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Well now we have to do it

I second motion to refer to them as 2/2. ZERO.

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It’s not the machine that’s making them allin on Trump though.

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As an actual explanation, it’s a phrase from Game of Thrones implying naiveté. Seasons in that universe are multiple years long, so some children have never seen winter. One of the characters mocks their mindset by referring to them as a “sweet summer child,” implying that they’ve lived their lives without ever understanding the reality of the world they live in (and without experiencing the cold, hard truth of winter).

Or maybe I’m getting leveled here.

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Woodall an idiot isn’t he.

I’m familiar with the saying and have used it often myself for a laff. Just don’t understand the humor in this instance or how it applies to what I said, but maybe I’m getting leveled

Let’s leave it alone :+1:

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Yeah I don’t get it in this instance either, so you’re not alone.

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He has done very very well all day.

Haha, woops. My comments was calling you a summer child for not knowing what a summer child was, so I am also lost.

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It’s sweet summer children all the way down!

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This is an embarrassing fucking showing

How the hell is this woman a representative of anybody. This is terrible

OMG So typical of the so-called “intellectual elite” to make these kinds of egghead references.

You must be exactly who Gym Jordan was talking about!

“It’s not just because they don’t like the president. They don’t like us. They don’t like the 63 million people who voted for this president… All of us common folk in Ohio, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Texas, they don’t like us.”

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Debbie letsgo of morals