It's Worms All the Way Down: The Ivermectin Thread

High five over antiparasitic medication successfully killing human worm.


So what is the best study that shows ivermectin isnā€™t effective??

Deez Study

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Lol brutal


Nope. I believe that heā€™d still be smoking to this day if the nagging and shaming continued. It wasnā€™t until it stopped and he could prove he was doing it for him and not others that he was finally able to quite. Stubbornness runs in my family. I still remember several times as a kid about to clean my room when before I could get to it my mother would scold me to clean my room and how could be such a slob and live in such a pig sty. Iā€™d stop and wait until a couple days went by without her nagging before cleaning my room even tho I wanted to do it the day she nagged. Runs in the family I guess

I donā€™t think I ever lived in a world where wearing seatbelts wasnā€™t required by law where I grew up. I think itā€™s more likely that it was statistics that bore out the safety of wearing one v not wearing one. Car seats have definitely been mandatory my whole life and you just grew up wearing a seatbelt

And in the meantime, weā€™re losing two wars that I can think of. Covid and equality

This is what I call educating which is the exact opposite of shaming. I have no trouble believing that this works

I made a comment at work about how I donā€™t think itā€™s right that anti vaxxers and mask wearers take up hospital beds needed by those who have acted responsibly. His response was, well then are you in favor of kicking out overweight in favor of non overweight healthier people when it comes to taking up beds and resources at a hospital? Iā€™m embarrassed to say I didnā€™t have a quick response to that

Itā€˜s much, much easier to go from unvaccinated to being vaccinated than to go from being overweight to regular sized. Being overweight is also not highly contagious.

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I can assure you people did not used to wear seatbelts pretty much at all and car seats were not a thing.

As to why those things changed? Sure the data helped. But we changed the speed limit in the entire country in order to stop so many traffic deaths. Was more than just education.

My response would be that I want anti-vaxxers to die and I donā€™t feel as harshly towards fat people.

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I did manage to come up with this one. Also, is it true that George Washington made his military and others vaccinate against the small pox (or measles or whatever)? Iā€™m not so sure this is new. We require children to get certain vaccinations before attending public school for the public good. I donā€™t think thatā€™s negotiable unless you want to home school. I donā€™t see why this is so different.

I do believe in out casting people (and I think many here are confusing that with shaming). Shaming is just insulting and tryin to make someone feel bad about themselves. Whereas, making someone an outcast has real consequences. They are literally shut out from parts of society. They are not welcome. Period. Thatā€™s where we need to get with anti maskers and vaxxers

Of course, many will say thatā€™s exactly the socialist agenda Bill Gates is trying to pull off by getting everyone vaccinated

Actually, itā€™s stupid easy to get exemptions in much of America because of course it is.

If people could deal with cardiovascular disease, obesity, tobacco/alcohol addiction and other chronic health problems by going and getting two injections that are free and take 30 seconds each, then yeah, Iā€™d be pissed if people didnā€™t do that and then took up hospital beds. Weā€™re not asking for a lifestyle change here.


Iā€™m pretty sure his point was that itā€™s a slippery slope when you start regulating what people must and mustnā€™t do for their health. Some of these people are straight up brainwashed and have been convinced that vaccines either havenā€™t been vetted enough, can be harmful, or part of a plot to kill the masses. Of course, theyā€™re loony tunes, but if they really think that, I can empathize with their hesitancy

There are also some that just donā€™t want to be injected with something unless itā€™s absolutely necessary to their health. Theyā€™d rather let their own body fight off the virus. I waffled about being in this camp myself tbh. Iā€™m very careful about what I put in my body. I donā€™t consume fast food, soda, processed crap, and donā€™t take meds. About the only thing Iā€™ll take are vitamin and protein supplements. I only decided to get it for the sake of the community and because it was my understanding that if I and my grandmother were both vaccinated it was safer for her. If it was just for my safety, I wouldnā€™t have gotten jabbed

This circles around to my main point that shaming most definitely isnā€™t going to work when it comes to suggesting they get vaccinated. Whatā€™s going to work is education and promoting the science behind why vaccines are safe and effective for the overall good of the community

How do we do this when there are people like yourself who distrust mainstream media solely because they want everyone to get vaccinated? This isnā€™t meant to be a dig, I just really donā€™t follow your whole ā€œI think COVIDā€™s overblown and not that big a deal but after learning the vaccines can help protect my family I was onboardā€ stance combined with saying we can somehow convince people who are self-treating with fish and horse medicines and who booed Trump for telling them to get vaccinated that actually science and vaccines are good. It seems like a real ā€œyou canā€™t reason somebody out of a position they didnā€™t reason themselves in toā€ situation to me.

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A single shot that could reduce alcoholism by 90%+ without side effects would be one of the greatest achievements of our time, imo.


I donā€™t get this. You do all kinds of things to boost your bodies ability to keep you healthy.

For some reason though, the shot is viewed differently. It is literally a super vitamin, 1000x clean eating, and world class exercise rolled into a couple of shots

The cold truth is if we just all went with our bodies own immunities and natural abilities without any enhancement or mitigation, most of us would be dead.

I just want you to think about why you categorize the vaccine differently from all the other things you do.

What sort of education would have convinced you to get vaxxed of your grandmother had already died several years ago?