It's Worms All the Way Down: The Ivermectin Thread

But that is part of the shame. It’s feedback saying “your behavior is annoying AF to everyone else in the world.”

But I agree it’s a combination of things.

I still have real nightmares but of flying on smoke filled airplanes.

More than anything, I feel like in my lifetime smoking just gradually became uncool. It used to be 80’s dudes like John McClane smoked because they were badasses and then in the 90s sometimes if a movie wanted to be edgy it would have someone smoking and then after that it just became lame and uncool.

That would be quite a feat considering only 30% of road deaths in Australia involve a driver with a BAC over the limit. There’s also nothing like this discernible in the data:


The deaths number there doesn’t include WA or VIC because data isn’t available. Both positive-RBT and deaths are in steady decline, but there isn’t any moment where they suddenly drop precipitously. I would guess this mostly relates to Australians, especially young Australians, drinking less than they used to, but enforcement is the other thing that works. WA only conducted 550K RBT stops in 2010 and had a positive-test result of 2.1%, in 2019 those numbers were 2.13 million stops and 0.34% positive. Both that testing ramp-up and the positive test result decline are huge outliers compared to the other states.

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Smoking was a war on a ton of fronts. Shaming, scaring, bans from bars and restaurants and eventually other establishments, making them smoke outside in the dead of winter, getting rid of glorification of it, and good old fashioned education.

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I just assumed it was a reversion to the mean type thing.

The ad is from 1989.

This data does suggests a big reduction 89 to 90 nationally. I can find vic only data

It also suggests a change in methodology at 1990. So it could be that too.

Source for the 37% claim is here, although there’s no citation in the link.

Right. Forgot taxes, good call. Let’s tax the unvaccinated, too.


If you want to see what “raised the price by a hell of a lot” looks like, come to Straya. The average cost of a pack of cigarettes in the US is $6.60 ish from googling? In Australia they are $A 35 ($US 25.80) per pack.

Oh right. I didn’t realise it was that long ago.

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Is there a decent variation in different parts of AU? I think Quebec has somewhat cheap cigarettes still, but average pack price in my Province is probably about $16 USD.

Nah. Most of the cost is tax and the excise tax policy is federal. The government here really went to war on tobacco smoking. You can’t advertise tobacco at all, you can’t smoke indoors in any public building and all cigarettes have to be sold in plain packaging, no colours or logos or anything.

They introduced the plain packaging about ~2 years ago here as well. Indoor smoking has been banned forever, I think that was around ~2000.

The price increase played into shaming as well. Smokers are regularly berated about the cost of smoking versus other things.

If we still had a no coverage tax it might have gotten a Covid bump/addition.

You all are on shaky ground because I’m almost positive that smoking is a kink.


This approach probably works better in Australia than in other places not surrounded by an ocean. Even at much lower prices there is already large scale smuggling of cigarettes happening.
It would also take a coordinated effort among many European countries to raise prices in concert because for many other countries aren‘t that far away.

Got to the point where all the posts were flagged and hidden and gave up. Cliffs?

This is a bad thread, and ivermectin hasn’t been shown to be effective. In the limited data available, it’s been shown to likely be ineffective.

Well that part I knew. I assume the part where the one study showing a positive effect was either incredibly poorly constructed or outright falsified was discussed before this thread was even started.

Black market cigarette smuggling is a huge cottage industry in the South. Even still, jacking up taxes on smokes seems to have worked very well.

Ive mostly avoided this thread, but I wanted to just add to this that there is a high correlation between income cohorts and vaccination levels where vaccination percentage goes up every single time you go into a higher income cohort (saw the chart on twitter but wasnt in a follow, now I cant find it).

So while, yes, GOP anti-vaxxers bear heavy blame and are the main driver behind the carnage we are seeing in the current wave and fucccccccck the vocal COVID deniers with a media platform who have a hard time with COVID when they get it, IMO we really should be a little more careful with the fuck the anti-vaxxer sentiment (even ex kids) because vaccination is highly regressive right now in aggregate, both within the US and globally.



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