It's Worms All the Way Down: The Ivermectin Thread

I assume he’s just stupid and means obese. The answer is that people don’t choose to be obese and then let his racist brain try to process it.

Right, but slippery slope arguments are kind of dumb in a pandemic. Like we don’t normally tell people they can’t leave their homes or can’t open their businesses either. Extraordinary times, etc.

But the other thing is, rationing healthcare is normal. It’s normal for the government somewhere with a public health system to tell you that, for example, you can have this treatment that costs 5K and you can’t have this other one that costs 1 million, even if you’d prefer that one. The vaccine is a covid disease mitigation health intervention; if you don’t want it that’s fine, but you can’t be like “I don’t want it because I’ll rely on top notch hospital care if I get covid”. The government (or your insurer, or whoever) are well within their rights to say no deal. The only thing that separates this from the 5K/1MM example above is that the two interventions are separated chronologically, but this still doesn’t entitle you to refuse a cheap treatment and think that means you get the expensive one instead.


The same thing that caused me to become more disciplined about wearing a mask. I don’t want to infect someone else who then goes and kills their grandmother either. That’s an important point because it’s how I got educated by (a very few) number of people here on how the virus is spread and the ramifications of how severely my actions could impact others. The vast majority tried shaming me for going to a gym or following my boss’s orders to come into the office and that just made me laugh in their faces. In fact, if it weren’t for the few who were willing to politely engage and educate me, I probably would’ve went out of my way NOT to wear a mask just to trigger those who shame. And isn’t that exactly what’s happening now among all these anti mask morons who aren’t educated? Shaming doesn’t work. Education does

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Good call on the racist brain. The guy is definitely racist. And sexist. And…

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Pushing vaccinations is far from the “sole” reason I don’t think MSM are honest actors. In fact, that’s not even one of the reasons

This is a long sentence with a lot jammed into it. Yes, I think covid has been overhyped by the media for ratings. The more you sensationalize something, the more you keep viewers tuned in. They tried making it sound like getting covid was a death sentence when in reality, the most likely scenario was getting sick and making a full recovery unless you were elderly or otherwise compromised. These ratios might get worse now with new variants and vaccination is just common sense to stop them. My only point was if all I had to worry about were me and the virus, I wouldn’t have gotten vaccinated

I never said anything about fish and horse medicines, so don’t even know how to respond to that

I was just basing that on what you posted

It’s not my best but you missed what I was actually asking so I’ll try to do better to break it up.

How do we convince people who are currently relying on things like ivermection and hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID if they get it to instead get a vaccine that prevents them from getting it in the first place? We know these people tend to distrust mainstream news and science, and even when their beacon of truth Donald John Trump asks them to get vaccinated he’s met with boos so how do we break through to them? How do you somehow educate vast swaths of people who actively ignore or disbelieve our best methods of widespread communication? You can lead a horse to water etc.

New thing to take for COVID just dropped. Ivermectin is old hat.


Domb said the university’s study found that administering saline water was about as effective as administering a Betadine-water solution in reducing the presence of the virus in the upper part of the throat that lies just behind the nose.

All social media needs to be shut down, our human brains can’t handle it responsibly.


These people obviously heard that it was used “in douches” and concluded that they should be taking it.


Man this was both better and faster than the douche-related jokes I was attempting to come up with

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jesus christ i don’t even put in betadine to a wound

If it’s in douches, it should already be naturally occurring in their bodies, so there should be no reason to take it.

more like alphadine amirite


In my opinion there are 3 types of people who pshaw masks and vaccinations

  • Assholes. There are people who don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves. You wanna shame and ridicule people? Do it to them because they are hopeless no matter what

  • Those who just aren’t aware that vaccinating saves lives and brings this pandemic to an end sooner

  • Those who genuinely are fearful that the vaccinations hasn’t been tested enough and/or isn’t safe

Nothing fixes the first group, so again, shame all you want. But education is the best means I can see for groups 2 and 3. There’s also a group 3b. Those who have been brainwashed to believe the vaccine is harmful. I don’t think being gullible or stupid is morally wrong. Best we can do is keep pointing out logic and science and hope they come to their senses imo


It’s a “commonly used cleanser in the ER and OR,” says Kenneth Weinberg, an emergency room physician in New York City.

When told that anti-vaxxers had taken to gargling with Betadine, Weinberg said, “Fuck me! Of course they are.”

When asked if gargling Betadine could reduce the effects of Covid-19 or prevent transmission, Weinberg said, “Fuck no.”


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Rolling Stone’s credibility continues to decline

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