It's Worms All the Way Down: The Ivermectin Thread

Glad you finally recognize it’s a problem. Amazing how that happens sometimes.

Right, it’s whack a mole against idiots.

We know, conclusively, the idiots not getting vaccinated are overwhelmingly Republicans. Specifically, poorly educated white evangelical Republicans. Not getting vaccinated owns the libs, everything they do from there is an effort to reverse engineer a plausible alternative justification.

Put more succinctly, the horse paste crowd is choosing not to get vaccinated then ingesting horse paste. That’s so fucking stupid it doesn’t even merit 5 seconds of rebuttal.


Maybe we need a COVID cheat sheet in this forum:

DO get vaccinated
DO wear a mask
DON’T take medicine to treat or prevent COVID without consulting your doctor (other than the vaccine of course!)


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lol remember all those posts where Cuse was hoarding nicotine patches? The good old days where we could self medicate in peace!


Your expectation is that literally everyone who dares criticize ChrisV’s posts has to have criticized literally every single post that might have contained something stupid about covid here or at least made sure that someone else did? What a laughably absurd standard.


And nobody even raised an eyebrow when I mentioned crushing up zinc lozenges and sprinkling them into my bong hits!


unsubscribing. jfc, you guys ruin everything. i can’t even stay lighthearted at horse dewormers anymore.


I mean, that’s literally what this means:

You would simply need to find two posts containing something stupid about covid that didn’t generate a single reply to get goofyballer banned. I’m sure you can find hundreds.

Policing non-posts is the perfect target. People may not make a post for any of a myriad of innocuous reasons, like not being online that day, like replying to a post up thread and going to the bottom without reading the posts in between, because they’re not sure of a good response, because they’re tired and not feeling like posting, because they’re caught up in another argument, or whatever. But because there’s no post there, you can always impute malice without anyone being able to prove you wrong. So, have fun imagining the bottomless hypocrisy and malice of your opponents, I guess.


This was definitely not the 300+ reply thread about horse dewormer that I was hoping to read.


I’m taking my dog to the vet tomorrow for a checkup. What do you guys think is a good handshake tip to get some prescription Ivermectin? $50?

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That’s because under the right circumstances, it’s fine. Vaccinated, masked, and not living with the unvaccinated or otherwise vulnerable? Going to a movie is not at all a particularly risky activity to oneself or others. “This awful wave” is overwhelmingly due to unvaccinated people out and about, not masked vaccinated people out and about, or even unmasked vaccinated people out and about.

When Keeed said this, I pushed back.

Didn’t see me or any of the other people you’re expecting posts from posting at all around when he was talking about that, probably for reasons that have nothing to do with the hypocrisy you ascribe to us.

I guess I should just peace out of this thread, because there’s no further sense in answering to unreasonable standards, whether that’s being expected to push back against low risk activities, or my failure to have you remember what I did, or being taken to task for not posting on a subject when I wasn’t really posting at all in the thread.

What was everyone’s favorite weapon in Worms Armageddon? It didn’t come up frequently, but the concrete donkey was awesome.


In terms of indoor activities, if you are vaccinated or if social distance and masking measures are in place, going to a movie theater is a “surprisingly benign activity,” says Christopher Sulmonte, project administrator for the Biocontainment Unit at Johns Hopkins Medicine. “You’re sitting and staring at a distance from other people, you aren’t facing each other, you’re not heavy breathing — which potentially produces even more particles — or jumping all around the place,” he says, adding that the fact that you aren’t moving around and potentially getting closer to others also decreases risk.


Always satisfying to end a match with a poke or kamikaze. For non humiliation I always loved the baseball sound that came from the baseball bat. For pure destruction was always a fan of the super banana bomb

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I liked when you baseball batted someone at a low angle and it would skip across the water like a flat stone.

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You all need meditation and yoga. We’re all on the same side here and you should be able to have a respectful conversation with people who slightly disagree with you.

Like you’re really going to make an enemy over such a silly disagreement?


When I’ve gone to movies besides paying for popcorn, which is no different from paying for groceries or cat food or whatever, I’ve never been within 10 feet of anyone else and our theatres require everyone to be vaccinated.

Absolutely lol@comparing that to promoting snake oil.

Even Lollapalooza hosted ~400,000 people for a music festival over a weekend and had like 12 cases attributed to it because they required vaccinations or a rapid negative test.

Yah let’s be real - everyone here legitimately hates each other with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

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Where I live there are low case counts and 82% of people are vaccinated. Cases are not rising. They might! But I’ve been to football games with 30,000 vaccinated fans and movies with…6 vaccinated fans and everything is fine here. Closing these events to vaccinated people would not make people’s lives better and their clearly is no research it would make people safer.

We have plenty of hard facts that events, indoor or outdoor are fine if limited to vaccinated people. In places that aren’t even similar to mine, the situation isn’t getting better any time soon. Punishing people who have tried doing the right thing for the last 18 months at this stage isn’t helping.

If the whole goal was to get people vaccinated, but you’re going to tell vaccinated people they can’t attend movies, see their families or have normal lives now, what is the incentive for the unvaccinated?