this is such chaos, where is this???
Berlin, you can see the Brandenburg gate.
I was just scrolling through my FB feed and in a sampling starting at a random point, 14 out of 17 posts we’re “Suggested for you” or “Sponsored”
Yup, posted about that itt a couple weeks ago. It’s so dumb. 95% ads and suggested nonsense, 5% posts from friends.
People just don’t post very often so they make it look like a lot more is going on. If you click on the “most recent” tab on the left you will see just how very seldom people actually post. And for me it’s the same 5-7 people mostly posting shitty memes.
This some banana in the tailpipe type shit.
“We need all your secrets every business. It’s the only way to prove we are not a monopoly,”
there’s been no reason to. none of it reaches your friends.
i tested this with insanely cute pics of my cat, almost zero impressions or likes.
we’re here to watch what cuckerturd wants you to see, nothing more. Tiktok at least tries to show you what you want, and that’s why they’re winning. It’s insane he hasnt figured this out yet.
For those fed up with all the unrelated garbage on FB, I found this extension that cleans it all up:
Been using it for a couple days and all the crap is gone. Only works on web browsers though, not mobile.
uhhh what
Package explosion at Northeastern University in Boston ‘came from Pelican case which contained a manifesto railing against virtual reality and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’
My “favorite RWNJ” posted this and apparently she posted this 2 years ago as well
Her facebook feed is as far right as it comes. Hell she has a bumper sticker “NOT A LIBERAL”
Kinda randomly related, I was talking with my 16 year old last night and the topic of signaling and countersignaling came up, I mentioned the tendency of certain people who want you to know that they went to harvard but don’t want to say they went to harvard to say they “went to school in boston” or whatever, and I then mentioned that the last time I heard someone do this I immediately gave em a “oh, like, BC? Oh, no? Northeastern?”
Haha. Had a conversation earlier this week that I completely misread when I assumed the same thing when the person said “I went to school in Providence”. I immediately assumed that was a hidden attempt to say Brown but when I said “Providence University?”, he said “Yup”.
My first thought would have been “Johnson & Wales.”
lol this happens to my girlfriend all the time. She went to school in New Haven at the University of New Haven
jesus fuck
Next time inform them that Harvard isn’t in Boston, so they must be confused. (It’s actually in Cambridge, which voted against becoming part of Boston a century ago)
Edit: Oh fuck Goofy beat me to it.
I really want to eat some New Haven-style white clam pizza.
Lived there for a year. That pizza was heavenly.
If you really want to get them say, “oh Tufts?”