It's time to delete Metabook, Twitter and TikTok (and Reddit). Fuck it, social media is cancer - a thread.


I’ve only recently learned about Jomboy videos.

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YouTube recommends Jordan Peterson to almost everyone as far as I can tell, it must have so much traction with young guys they just give it to everyone.

My TikTok went to Jordan Peterson videos pretty quickly after I started using it. I would snap block any user that posts his videos and they all seemed to go away.

I don’t watch a ton of politics stuff but like a little Jordan Klepper etc. Youtube algorithm clearly thought I was a Jordan fan.

I’ve never had a JP video recommended to me by Youtube.

You’re not masculine enough obviously.


Seen you post this a few times. I do the same, got a few different accounts.
algorithm is all skewed up

yotobes got some good stuff too

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Knowing Facebook dipshits, I’m honestly surprised they didn’t try the “akshually, humans are primates, QED” approach


So apparently TikTok is the new misinformation battleground. Yay.


This sucks because TikTok is also producing most of the good left wing content too.

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never heard of this before

wtf I got 1:44 in, can’t do it

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hell yeah, this was awesome, this is what we dreamed the internet would be about back in the early 90s

The white LED light (left) indicates recording. I covered it with a piece of tape (right).

Alex Himel, VP of AR at Facebook Reality Labs, informed me over a Zoom chat that taping over the LED light was a violation of the terms of service of the glasses, which prohibit tampering with the device.

Not enough lols


I got a comment on Facebook deleted today and a warning that I could face a suspension if I continue to make posts that go against their community standards.

A friend had posted that a mouse had got into her house and she bravely captured it and released it outside. I replied that I would have just burned the house down.

Even after a review they told me that the decision stood.

But sure, keep allowing anti vax talking points you assholes.


I recently caught a 30
day restriction for making fun of antivaxxers.