It's time to delete Metabook, Twitter and TikTok (and Reddit). Fuck it, social media is cancer - a thread.

Zuck is s definitely trying to enslave as much of the population as he can in some kind of Matrix-like system where he just harvests energy/resources from the dopamine-addicted zombies he has captured.


Star Trek promised me holodecks and VR brothels and instead we get VR meetings with my coworkers.


There is a 99% chance that this is all a ploy to get enough data on attractive coworkers so the toxic male culture sociopaths can create VR porn out of them.

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Guy who worked with me was involved in some friend blocking (I think he was the blocker) that nearly resulted in violence.

oh cool let’s see what they added.

In the new complaint, which is about 50% longer than the original, the FTC covers many of the same arguments.

hmmm… they just made it longer? lolLAW

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This seems like…a terrible argument. These are the finest lawyers in America? Lol lawyers.

“Facebook lacked the business acumen and technical talent to survive the transition to mobile,” Holly Vedova, the acting director of the bureau of competition at the agency, said in a statement. “After failing to compete with new innovators, Facebook illegally bought or buried them when their popularity became an existential threat.”

Like, isn’t it undisputed that the transition to mobile is one thing they definitely did a great job navigating? The problem with the original complaint was they didn’t precisely define the market or demonstrate economic harm, and they’ve…still not done that? Also they very legally bought competitors, with the express approval of regulators!

Facebook isn’t awful because it’s a monopoly, it’s awful because nobody will regulate them, most importantly Congress.

What the fuck?


The worst job on the Enterprise was the guy who had to wash down the holodeck after Riker used it.


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Sitting down? Facebook lied about being a cesspool of right wing bullshit.

You pay for the NYT?

lol wut


And RIP Dan Rather’s check.

Someone at Twitter affiliated with Nabisco in some way?

EDIT: Nevermind. Had to click on Dan’s account to see the check.

The check is back!



Holy crap. That thing legit works for WSJ.

NYT is easy - you just hit the browser stop button before the page fully loads.

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In my defense I never really thought reading NYT articles was worth it enough to look into getting around their paywall

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Facebook is dumb. They should have published the first report along with a detailed explanation of how they were going to change things.

Not scrap something hundreds of employees saw get scrapped and skip to after changing some things.

Their instincts are always wrong. I don’t know how they are so successful. Maybe it’s because they are drug dealers.

They never intended to change anything is why.

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So I’ve been watching a lot of youtube lately, IDK why, its pretty addicting and if you shape your algorithm by being careful about what videos you click on while logged into your google account/not incognito its really not bad right, and I do that.

Today I look at my feed and I’m presented with a stream of Jomboy, Dark Souls, a band I like, Jordan Peterson, Bo Burnam skits

You know, all things I’m super into and like a lot.