It's time to delete Metabook, Twitter and TikTok (and Reddit). Fuck it, social media is cancer - a thread.

Based on this, a hot dog is a taco and I don’t like that.

Also, I believe a corn dog would be sushi. Gross.

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Also a pot pie is suddenly a calzone?

I say nay, sir!

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And ketchup is just liquified salsa

Come at me bro

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Comic book villains

The Apple thing does creep me out. Apple devices will be scanning themselves for kiddie porn and then I guess alerting someone.

I am an Apple fan boy but I don’t like the idea of these devices scanning themselves for objectionable content. No bueno. I think this is a legitimate slippery slope.

I’m done worrying about the slippery slopes in society. It’s almost always just an excuse to maintain a heinous status quo.

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Kudos on headline Ars. That is how a headline should inform and not just parrot a false narrative.

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My biggest issue is that Apple has been on the vanguard of privacy a lot of times and this breaks that pretty significantly.

I have no qualms w pedophile’s phones ratting them out. Just worry about when a fascist regime demands dissidents be identified as the other end of things.

I agree I am not a boh worrier on slippery slopes but this one still bothers me.

Slippery slope arguments are always wrong. always.

Pretty slippery slope there

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EFF had a decent article on the Apple thing

It’s not clear to me that it would break encryption as it is all done on the device, which is still encrypted.

You ever feel shocked at somebody removing you from their friend’s list?

I did and then I hated myself for feeling that way.

Social media fucked me up and I barely use it compared to most.

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I don’t use Facebook but I had a family member block me on Twitter once. Didn’t feel good.

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WhatsApp trying to block the taliban now that they are in power. It’s all a bit confusing.

This is facebook’s attempt to combat the top ten list that shows it’s a right wing haven of misinformation. Only problem is they are being pretty obtuse and only sharing partial information and put nothing in overall context.

The times it has happened in the past, it’s been with somebody I once met and knew I was never going to see again. So I really didn’t care.

But it’s weird when it’s people that I know and have no beef with.

To be fair, I’ve unfriended people from Facebook just for not being active on it. So who am I to feel weird about it?

It introduces all kinds of additional layers to social interactions. There is a chance someone removed for inactivity took it personally. Facebook does make sure to alert you of every single thing that might draw your attention.

I use Twitter and tiktok. I rarely/never unfollow people so I have massive follow lists. I am a bit of a hoarder that way.

I don’t know what the accepted practice or thoughts are on being unfriended. I would hope it would be not to be bothered by it, but I often here it being weaponized. An unfollow in a social circle might say more than one thousand words and kick off lots of drama.

I am so glad social media did not exist when I was in school. Would have driven me off the ledge.

It feels similar to being ghosted if you don’t know why it happened.

Otherwise, I don’t really care. Most people my age have moved on from Facebook anyway.

Great idea, Mark! Fuck you!