It's time to delete Metabook, Twitter and TikTok (and Reddit). Fuck it, social media is cancer - a thread.

Twitter banned me for sarcastically talking about the 5G illuminati bilderberg rothschild free mason lizard people spirit cooking child abducting lizard people.

Let that one sink in. Clearly I was getting too close to the truth.


I got banned for saying some theoretical person needed sense knocked into them on a subreddit because I was promoting violence.

While I understand their issue, moderation is not easy and needs to take into account language and how it’s used.

Of course you have real problems trying to circumvent every filter as well.

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My account got perma’d for calling Katie Hopkins a piece of shit on a racist post that got her perma’d


The performative nationalism on Facebook is gonna be insufferable. The Never Forget memes are gonna drive me nuts. The US Embassy in Prague jumped in first thing this morning.

Although saying people went to Facebook University is fun.

Like 95% of my tweets are just “go fuck yourself” aimed at terrible people, never got banned for some reason.

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Someone should make a Facebook meme about how COVID is worse than 9/11. It would be stating the truth and trolling at the same time.


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This is awful. Nobody in Washington even paying lip service to regulating these assholes.

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This app that was originally designed by toxic dudes to rate hot chicks isn’t healthy for teen girls? I’m shocked.



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I still lean pretty heavily toward #FREEZEPEACH but Facebook is really making the strongest possible case for regulating the fuck out of social media.

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I’ve completely dismissed all “slippery slope” arguments on this topic. What’s happening RIGHT NOW is worse than the worst case hypotheticals! 700,000 dead from COVID while bullshit spreads like wildfire. To say nothing of political radicalism, climate change denial and on and on and on.


Probably all their friends making fun of them for being on Facebook.

The whole social media filter issue is really harming an entire generation. It’s extremely messed up.

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When did Boomers all decide they’re going to 100% believe any dumbass thing they read on Facebook? How does that even happen, like you can’t trust CNN or the morning paper but if some bitmoji on Facebook tells you to eat horse dewormer you go for it? Gen-X isn’t all that much smarter either, despite growing up with computers.


They’re talking about Instagram, which destroys everything it touches.