It's time to delete Metabook, Twitter and TikTok (and Reddit). Fuck it, social media is cancer - a thread.

Yeah I think maybe it did.

Yeah, I’ve spoken to Amnesty International about your treatment of the word “sandwich”.

Me personally? Nothing. “But isn’t that dry?”. I mean, this is a question a bit like “how can you eat a baked potato, isn’t it kind of dry if you don’t slice it into thin pieces and deep-fry it?”. I can’t say I typically find McDonald’s products to be unpleasantly lacking in fat.


I want you to meditate on what a Filet-o-Fish would taste like with tzatziki sauce while you’re on your retreat. Maybe enlightenment will come.

Also you eat a baked potato with sour cream duh.

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I loled

I am instantly brought back to the ongoing series of debates between my Mexican coworker and my other coworkers as to whether or not a torta is a sandwich.

“No. It’s a torta.”

“But it’s also a sandwich.”

“It’s not a sandwich. It’s a torta.”

Repeat for the entire lunch break and pick it up again on the next lunch break, possibly spilling over into the office workday.

Okay. Now im confused.

Does McDonald’s in the US not have some kind of chicken in a bun?

Yes - it’s called a McChicken. There’s also always some kind of buttermilk/spicy/whatever fancy version. Those seem to come and go.

They seem to have recently started branding it more as a McChicken Sandwich - presumably to cash in on the chicken sandwich craze currently gripping America (Chik-Fil-A, Popeyes - boring Wendy’s is best though).

Burger in the US is almost always beef. Or if it’s not it’s ground up as much as beef. So if you ordered chicken burger in the US, instead of like a chicken filet (or cleverly reconstructed chicken filet), you’d expect rubbery ground chicken. Same goes for fish. Fish burger is like a big round fish stick. Not a filet.

Veggie burger is standard and accepted nomenlcature.

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Its always been a chicken sandwich in aus (i believe). But chicken burger would be easily understood.

If its hot, in a bun, its a burger.

Pork burger. Beef burger. Chicken burger. Veggie burger.

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Apparently in the sticks where ChrisV lives it goes by chicken burger.

Never once heard the term pork burger in the US. You would not get many takers for that I think.


Call it a McRib though and people go nuts.


Wait 'til you guys find out there’s no ham in a hamburger

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Arguing about regional language is kind of tiresome because whatever, so I’m not interested in an argument about WHO IS RIGHT, but it’s unusual to have a word for a class of dishes that is so pedantically concerned with the exact nature of a single component of the dish, at the expense of generalising so many other features. It’s hard to come up with other examples. Like it would be weird if there was apple pie, blueberry pie, apricot pie etc and then someone invented pecan pie and was like “hmmm, but unfortunately pie is always fruit, so I can’t call it that. I’ll just call it PECAN BAKED DESSERT and then if anyone asks what it is I’ll be like ‘well, you know pie? it’s exactly like one of those except made with pecan’”.

Edit: Also I am going to have to hard disagree with rugby here, if anyone said “what do you want from McDonalds” and I said “a chicken sandwich” they would look at me like I was an alien, and I don’t think this is a regional thing. As evidence I offer this:

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Huh. Weird. Maybe im thinking of the UK.

Theres lots of non pie pies. Quiche. Cheesecake. Leche flan. Apple crumble.

Right, but that’s increased specificity, which is a different thing to getting less specific i.e. reverting to “sandwich”.

So… burgers are a subset of sandwiches?

Didn’t think this would inspire a religion debate, apologies. FWIW I have no idea what this is about, I just thought it was a hilariously inscrutable Boomer post and the “yep” comment had me reeling. One thing I am pretty sure of is that this has nothing to do with the priest business. The OP is an evangelical nutcase and probably thinks that Catholicism is a pagan cult. My guess is that one of his grandkids didn’t like one of his racist posts and this is what his brain spit out.

How the shit did this become the religion and McDonald’s thread?


Sure. “Hamburger sandwich” is archaic terminology, but it’s not wrong.

We always called them “steamed hams” back home.


Everything is a sandwich. The universe is enclosed in two gigantic pieces of bread.