It's time to delete Metabook, Twitter and TikTok (and Reddit). Fuck it, social media is cancer - a thread.

lol, okay then

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Who or what is a legionM?

Got an anime type ad/group post with implied incest in it. Given that I haven’t watched anime in at least a decade and am not in any anime Facebook groups, I have no idea why it came up.

There’s also been a noticeable increase in the number of ads in general. It has made it way harder for me to respond to any of my friends’ posts. I’ve been posting way less often in there the last few months despite having more free time to post there. If it wasn’t the only way for me to contact some of the friends I still keep in touch with, I would’ve deleted it by now.

I get that it’s probably the most convenient way but how can it be the only way?

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I live in a foreign country and they don’t use any other social media.

I mean I guess I could use e-mail but this isn’t the 1990s.

Please see thread title.

There is another way, I promise. We have more connectivity options now than any point in human history. We dont need to line the pockets of a real life Lex Luthor

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I think another reason I’ve posted less is politics. There’s less to complain about and I’ve also been making an effort to disengage from politics. Like not ignoring it completely but not getting as emotionally invested as I used to. I feel that it has contributed to a reduction in my anxiety. Most of my Facebook friends have not been doing the same.

Deleting is unlikely to happen. I’m just grateful that Facebook is the only social media I have. No idea how people find time for more than one social media outlet.

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Gregoreo is getting key party invites on Facebook? :flushed:

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social fixer comfirmed elite

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Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro


lol I saw this yesterday and was like oh no San Diego cbs?!? please don’t be something stupid…


Guess I’ll be using Facebook more now


SocialFixer definitely made Facebook usable.

Banning ads, political and COVID-19 posts along with a bunch of recommended posts and the like has really cut out the bullshit.

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Usually the app stores delete those ratings when that happens

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Apple likely argued they are legitimate reviews based on real issues with the app.

It’s pretty bad when review sites just remove reviews they view as part of a coordinated effort instead of determining if the actual complaints have merit or not.

On the other hand why does Facebook care what their app rating is?

Marks ego will make all their lives miserable if he doesn’t win.

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Yeah, is there anyone just browsing the app store thinking hmmm what is this face…book? Never heard of it but I’ll try it out if it has a 4.0 or higher rating.