It's time to delete Metabook, Twitter and TikTok (and Reddit). Fuck it, social media is cancer - a thread.

This fucking asshole.

Your product is poisonous and it’s poisoning our children.

Yeah we’re not going to do anything about that.

But it’s so dangerous please do something to prevent our children being poisoned by your product.

God, fine we’ll make a baby version of our poison. Happy now?

These tech fuckers are still living in 2003 when they were all the second coming of jesus and don’t realise everyone fucking hates them now. They’ve probably not had a non sycophantic conversation since then.

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Should start at the relevant time:

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Kids under 10 having access to something like Instagram is on the parents, not on Zuck.

Yeah but Zuck creating a Pedobook would definitely be on him.

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He’s not gonna do it unless it makes him money. If parents don’t let kids use it, it will fail.

There’s a lot of bad shit being made for people predicated on that same logic. Kinda blames the victim for what happens to them or those they love.

People are stupid when it comes to things like science and technology and generally don’t know what they want. We need to be protected for our own good from horrible ideas like a social media database for pedophiles to use to exploit children.

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Great. Let’s see what hellhole dystopian road this leads too. Thanks Mark!


A fascist jackass comments on ever single post that a guy I know makes (also a fascist asshole, and incredibly stupid). The profile photo of fascist 1 is a dog and the name is a female name. There are no pictures of a person on their profile, only the dog and motorcycles. And lots of propaganda sharing. I’ve reported the profile in the past for being a fake account. Yesterday they literally commented after getting attacked by someone that the account is in their dogs name because their other account got censored by the communist leftists. So I reported the comment and reported the account again.

Of course the result is “this account doesnt go against our community standards” bullshit. Lol facebook.

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Kids under thirteen are not allowed to access online services without direct parental consent. Obviously this is not enforced but how will Facebook deal with this very real law?

I assume just pay off legislators to change it so it is not burdensome.

How about we punish Facebook for everyone under 13 on their services in America, first, then see about this new service.

“Instagram for kids” is probably the most disturbing thing I’ve heard this year.

Might as well call it E-pstein Island


I have a very pissed off 9 year old who has been pouty for days because I wont let him on snapchat or tik-tok like his friends are.

It’s a tricky subject. There really does need to be a safe space for kids online. The internet and social media is going to be a big part of their lives. It’s tough to find the right balance between protecting your kids from the world while also teaching them and exposing them to it. I’m OK with messenger for kids because we have complete control over who he can talk to and can view everything he sends (it’s mostly just 9 year old gibberish nonsense anyways).

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This is a good perspective so thanks for sharing. My concern here is that there’s no good reason to think that Facebook/Instagram/Zuckerberg will do a better job of establishing rules and controls to keep Instagram Jr. safe for kids than they did establishing rules and controls to keep misinformation off of Facebook. I mean, they didn’t even succeed at creating a safe space online for adults.


Not only that, but this is nothing more than a guise for collecting as much information from people as quickly as possible purely for profit.

Is being online going to become an increasingly large part of children’s lives as they grow up further and further in the information age?

Of course, but there is no reason that we shouldnt have the ability to institute regulations preventing them from being data vectors that these companies can exploit for life.

And it’s so out in the open, it’s very very disturbing.


I’ve talked about this before on the forum (I tend to repeat myself because I have so view legitimate insights, lol). About 7 years ago now I took on some compliance responsibilities at my firm and ended up spending a lot of time researching and learning about “bad” behaviors and how to flush out and correct unethical activity. One of the big learnings I had is that one way that people get away with bad behaviors is by doing them openly and shamelessly. Humans are hard wired to expect that someone doing something bad will hide it, so we also have an instinctive reaction that if someone is doing something right out in the open then it must be ok. Manipulative people do this all the time - by normalizing bad behavior and making it evident that they aren’t embarrassed by it tricks a lot of people into thinking it must be ok. This is a major reason why Trump’s “Yeah I did the crime, so what?” cavalier attitude works so well.


You’re making this post on one of the computers?


In fact it’s much more likely they are used and/or directly contribute to the disinformation of an entity new generation.

Lol now apparently Facebook is removing stuff but not even telling you what they removed.

The last time they did this, 6 months ago or so, they somehow dug up a joke valentine from 2012 that had a bunch of dictators on it. I had to appeal twice (on principle) but they finally relented.

Now I have no idea what they even removed. Probably some joke their poor overworked Bangladeshi censors didn’t understand. Fuckheads.

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What sort of examples would this be in terms of corporate behaviour or non compliance? I look at this at work as well.