It's the little things in life that make you smile in dark times (Steve Bannon arrested for boater fraud)

Also, his argument, laid out the week before the headline you post (sans article), is that the Post Office should be a converted to a worker-owned cooperative. I presume you’re ok with that, given the alternative of management under a GOP Congress?

Is this shaming of some sort? I don’t care. Old school reference.


I like Yglesias. I do think he’s smart, incisive, and is always bringing something to the table. The Weeds, no matter the topic, usually has some information that is new and sparks some thought, even if the topic is entirely conventional.

But like all professional pundits of any popularity he goes where the market of takes takes him and there’s been an undeniably left wing shift in his politics as Democratic politics has shifted leftward.

That’s a good thing! But it’s fun going back and see old articles to see how much he’s shifted.


lol cam down man you don’t need to defend Matty on here

Also do you think Chapo = the left?

This is amazing lmaoooo


They’re literally making fun of their marks right to their faces. Amazing.


And they will still send to the bail fund gofundme account :cry:


Holy Fuck!

But the Trump marks don’t care as long as he lets them be racist. They will willfully be fleeced by anyone purporting to be with Trump.

I do wonder how much we could raise if we turned UP into a trump site and pushed hard for donations and sold secret merch with hidden subversive messages.

For a few glorious seconds that convinced me I was in an episode of Twilight Zone, I thought this was Bannon revealing the whole thing was a hoax and they were never arrested

I’m bummed that Das Schilling’s arrest report seems bogus. However, I’m assuming that everyone on the board of directors is criminally liable for the fraud.


That shows how much they cared about the ongoing Russia investigations.

The default is that they would not be. Criminal fraud requires actual knowledge and intent to defraud; ignorance, negligence, or gross negligence are not enough. Also, directors are usually shielded for consequences absent strong evidence that they knowingly participated and benefitted directly.

So there’s no presumption for a small BoD that the directors “knew or should have known…” ?

Nope. Maybe for civil fraud in some cases but definitely not for criminal. At best, evidence that they should have known is circumstantial evidence that they did know. That said, they have a lot of communications and one or more people will flip, so additional evidence will likely be forthcoming.


We Got Them

Dude stole like 100 million from Rhode Island. He is not worried about a few hundred k from wall lovers.

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Bannon snorted 19k of that 22k off a Thai strippers thigh.


From what part of her did he snort the other 3k?


Kolfage sounds like a good bunch of guys: