It's the little things in life that make you smile in dark times (Steve Bannon arrested for boater fraud)

Maybe that’s what the stripper cost?

If you do it out in the open people assuming you have nothing to hide.

People will do anything to avoid feeling shame. You can be brave and decent and confront your own shame, but the thing is that if you exhibit shame, you provoke it in observers. Remove that from your repertoire and you can get away with crazy stuff.


The rub of personality disorders is that they’re like a cheat code for some stuff, notably business, but usually at the cost of unstable relationships and general unhappiness.


Moments before the elite arm of the USPS, known as the Dirty Dogs, unofficially, rappelled from several Apache Attack Helicopters, we captured some footage from the Chinese Oligarch’s Yacht. Two suspects and an unidentified third party were seen aboard.

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7 years old and already a mirror-shade wearing ■■■■ - fuck off Benton.


We asked 100 people ‘Name something a 7 year old would raise money for?’ … Benton you said ‘to build a wall to keep the Mexicans out’ … our survey said



I mean look at the kids mirro-shade wearing douchebag of a dad. Really hard to blame the kid here.

Don’t drug or stripper shame!


I wonder if he’ll add the fact that he’s been fucking over brown people since he was 7 on his application to the police academy. I worked for the YMCA when I was 21 and this kid reminds me of one of the little assholes I looked after. He started hitting the overgrown mellow kid and I watched for a little bit and then stopped it. I pulled the big kid aside and told him I was waiting for him to knock the kid on his ass, then I was going to step in and give 100% of the blame to the other kid. Missed opportunity.

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Sorry but any drug or stripper done by Steve Bannon has earned shame.

the president’s campaign chairman was just arrested by postmen in helicopters on a chinese billionaire’s yacht for scamming a build the wall gofundme. i feel like the speers tv guy from that episode of nathan for you when he’s explaining to the psychiatrist all the shit he’s been doing ($1 TVs, tuxedo dress code, small door, alligator).



Hate to see such a close relationship come to an end due to outside influences.


This story is a thin ray of sunshine is a really shitty year. Definitely file in reality is stranger than fiction, this plot twist would be way too dumb for a m knight shamanlan.

Definitely has been one of my favorite things in a while.

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Warner legal notes would make that a very boring commentary.