Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Here’s the deal @bbb7979: I will vote Biden if you ask me honestly and nicely. You don’t support Bernie’s BS because, charitably, it doesn’t affect you and you just don’t care. You work for a “German multinational” and you can “shield” you and yours, mostly. You’re in good shape. But, a “Russia style kleptocracy” will start to fuck your shit up, and covid-19 is showing people like you what The Great Equalizer really looks like. You’re scared, and you want help. So, just say it and I’ll do you a solid, because I am a better person than you.


I do support Bernie’s policies, he would be my preferred candidate. I also think the difference between Bernie and Biden is much much narrower than between Biden and Trump. Trump scared me in 2016 and throughout his presidency, Trump, post impeachment and enabled by Bill Barr, scares me much more in 2020.

I am not going to ask you nicely for anything because voting blue it is not a favor to me it is something you should do for yourself and others.

One thing that’s making the medicine go down a little easier for me is the undeniable fact of Biden’s dementia. He won’t be able to govern at all, so the day to day will be left to a bunch of West Wing style dolts. Which is absolutely terrifying but probably better than the status quo.

I do think he is likely the favorite at this point as well.

More so than we can afford another 4 years of Trump

True, and he’s also lying about being a Bro.

I am certainly not a bro.

I prefer the system I’ve seen in Germany and Bernie’s policies would get us closest to that, but I don’t buy into the cult of personality many have for him or want to be associated with his Internet fan club.

The real lie here is people who say there is no difference between Biden and Trump. Like you’re some kind of closeted deplorable if you think the current state of affairs is no different than the Obama years.

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He’s obviously an improvement over Trump and I’ll vote for pretty much anyone the dems run, but we’re running out of road and are going to kick the can over the cliff if we haven’t already.

By Bro I meant supporter. But ok, fine.

There’s no cult of personality or internet fan club. People are just really, reeeaally passionate about the policies and I assumed the past 72 hrs have shown why.

Spoiler alert: there’s a pandemic happening.


Anyone who thinks Bernie has a cult of personality is a…

Gonna just leave it at that.

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It’s like the last chapo episode, all the tsk tsking from the lol york times et al that they are turning all their fans into bernie bro socialists. No. They are popular only because of what they are saying. If they started being “reasonable” and “thoughtful” ie reasoning and thinking the things new york times opinion writers reason and think people would stop listening. Bernie isn’t popular and using his popularity to push justice. He’s popular because he’s the only one pushing for justice.


Yeah man, I don’t want to believe you’re lying for multiple reasons but I can’t imagine you telling the truth and also making this post:

Dude that other post was a joke. Someone posted “Come at me bro”

I interpreted that to be an invitation to “try your best insult”. The same poster has posted about living with his mother recently. There is a stereo type about basement dwellers supporting Bernie and Trump. So I made the post, I didn’t think it would hit close to home for anyone.

I don’t think Victor lives in his mom’s basement, I don’t think he’s too lazy to vote for Bernie, I don’t think he is telling the truth about not voting for Biden.

Yes exactly that’s what I said

If someone is actually progressive, Biden should be able to win them over by not being Trump who is actively trying to hurt most of the consituencies that progressives are trying to help.

It’s like no green new deal kind of sucks, but subsidizing coal and rolling back environmentmental regulations is much worse.

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No. His history matters.
No. His history matters.
No. His history matters.
No. His history matters.

This! He’s one of the leech fucks.

His history matters.
His history matters.


I’m so confused. I have said that I’ll support Biden if he won the most delegates, but the radical podcast I take my marching orders from has told me that I have to be willing to withhold my vote. Help.

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What state are you in? (sorry if you’ve said this before, usually i remember everyone’s stuff)

Iowa. I’m just funning, I’m still planning on voting for Joe. Not a true Patriot. The argument that you have to demonstrate that you are willing to withhold your vote is a compelling one though.