Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

I don’t think individuals withholding their vote really will do a whole lot to affect change they’d like to see in the Dem party. That kind of needs to be wielded collectively. Bernie is the only person in any position to do that in a meaningful way. I think this represents his best opportunity to get real concessions from the Democratic Party outside of winning the nomination. Sit down with demands and say I command X% of the Dem electorate more or less, if you don’t make these changes, I won’t endorse you and a good chunk of my supporters won’t either.


goddamit you posted pics from the caucus

brb have coronabrain

It’s going to be wielded collectively. I don’t think Bernie has it in him to make it coordinated though.

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I’m in Illinois so a lot my posting itt is academic.

I think I decided I’m gonna try to get everybody here on the forum to not vote Biden, but only here.

If trump wins by <100 votes it’s gonna be awkward.


Bernie would be threading a needle making the play.

It doesn’t matter what Bernie does there is already a loosely coordinated effort to not vote for Biden. Good. We should draw a line at people who voted for the Iraq War and lie about it in 2020.

Yeah, I’m totally not but like I said: Illinois. Not very impactful.

I think at the very least if one plans to votes Biden they shouldn’t just announce it to assuage fears. Make these thirsty mfs work for it.

I agree with this.

You guys will sure show the DNC by electing Trump. Absolutely sheer genius plan. I can’t seen any way that doesn’t result in the biggest leap left for America since the New Deal. Just brilliant stuff.

Why just withhold your vote? You should actively campaign for Trump. That’s some serious 4D chess stuff. Well played.

America’s future is in good hands.

If it’s within 100 votes in Illinois, Trump has wafflecrushed nationally.

tenor (16)

I meant if I only convince UP members to abstain for symbolic purposes but trump wins by like 20 votes nationally, eek.

I think if trump’s 2nd term gets so bad the boomers can just overthrow the government. You don’t need young people for that.

This might actually be the single most head-in-the-sand willfully obtuse post ever placed on the internet.

As if it’s insane to worry about a Trump second term?

Jesus fucking Christ.

Yes I am in a panic about it. Yes is do clutch my pearls about it. Yes it is way way way way way way way more important to prevent it than to placate a bunch of whining children who can’t get over the lose of their candidate and are now devising super duper smart plans about taking their marbles home as a brilliant symbolic gesture as the world literally falls apart around them.

Just fucking astounding.

In b4 your exceedingly witty meme response.

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Dog I’m voting for your guy. Acting like it’s absurd to consider not doing that is real head in the sand shit.

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He’s not my guy. He is a milk toast dem but I’d vote for him 100 times if I could.

No you’re not.

But for a different reason!



Are there hypothetical republican Presidents that could exist where you wouldn’t feel obligated to vote for the D candidate? I guess I’m asking if you think Trump is a unique threat or if it’s always blue no matter who.

Trump is unique. I could imagine scenarios I would vote republican over dem. I actually voted conservative one time in my life because the guy was way better than the left candidate who was a new age anti-science doofus.

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To put a finer point on it, if the incumbent was nearly any other republican I’d be on board for the plan to mass organize a vote abstention. The plan doesn’t lack merit. It’s the timing that is pure insanity.

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