Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Lol concessions in the platform. Have you ever heard of lying?

The notion that withholding your vote in a non-swing is equivalent to voting for Trump, is very wrong.

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seems odd to be arguing for a big symbolic gesture and ignore the symbolic nature of a nation standing up and voting AGAINST Trump.

My point is very simple. My symbolic gesture is far more important than yours, right now, this time.

Do you understand how the election works in the US? I know thereā€™s no electoral college in Canada, but use your imagination. Essentially most of us donā€™t really get to vote for POTUS in the general.

See above but letā€™s not do that. You know I understand the electoral college. If we are going to have a discussion letā€™s not assume the worst of each other when we know better.

Iā€™m not arguing about the symbolic gesture (now anyway). Iā€™m saying it doesnā€™t impact whether or not Trump wins, which it doesnā€™t.

And nobody disagrees with you expect for the people who donā€™t pay attention to the intricacies of polling and end up abstaining when it would matter.

Then why are you acting like not voting in a non-swing state amounts to voting for Trump? Itā€™s what youā€™re saying over and over and over.


The analysis of the impact of this discussion on this forum is not so simple. Itā€™s probably zero, but if not, itā€™s not so obvious in what direction affects the election.

As a fun hypothetical, imagine the Democrats nominated John Bolton to run against Trump.

Would progressives be obligated to vote for him?

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TrueAnon has been incredible lately. Might be my current favorite

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I agree 100% with everything you say. There is a serious cancer in the DNC.

My issue is you are the ER doctor. A patient comes in with a sucking chest wound from a gunshot. His history indicates he has serious stage 3 cancer. Do you treat the gunshot or cancer first?

Itā€™s triage 101. Trump is a sucking chest wound. Worrying about it first is not pretending the patient doesnā€™t have cancer. The cancer will kill them for sure but after the gun shot.

Iā€™d be right in the middle of the whole abstention argument, rallying the troops, if the incumbent where literally anyone else.

You give up on the patient because treating both of those things is going to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and whoā€™s going to pay for it?


Oh yeah, itā€™d be exactly the same.


Honest question. Given the last week, do some of you still think there is a dem, or even republican, you can name that would be worse than Trump?

Iā€™m not talking about symbolic votes. You get to literally install anyone. Is there an active dem or republican you can name that would be lower on your list?

Rand Paul

Active anywhere? Jim Inhofe is nuts. Imagine what Mitch McConnell could do as POTUS. Joe Arpaio is active right? And Iā€™m not going to bother looking up all the people in congress who believe that humans and dinosaurs were alive at the same time. There are certainly people in congress who would adopt the Bible as the law of the land.

solid twitter follow as well