Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

If he is going to veto for M4A why the hell should I vote for him. It’s pointless to have a ‘left’ party if they support right winger policies.


Steve King


100%. Bloomberg and a bunch of other billionaires I don’t know anything about. More intelligent tea party types. Trump’s lack of intelligence is a virtue for the world.

I am honestly not being obstinate here but I don’t understand these opinions.

Trump is either a full-throated supporter of the worst right wing policies, or doesn’t care, and let’s the extreme wing of his party go wild.

What are we not seeing you would imagine with someone else? Where has trump put on the brakes?

The idea that his stupidity is a virtue is categorically refuted this very week.

With any of those insane right wing ideologues you all mentioned we get the exact same right wing policy, racism, judicial packing and biblical nonsense.

The only difference is we get someone more capable in the extreme emergencies and less likely to nuke the world because someone called him a name.

It’s beyond weird to me to see you guys arguing Trump is a moderate on any right wing policy.

i could have held my nose and voted blue for a few different people but they had to go and put the family-caging, iraq war voting, lied about it last week, senile dude up there

and this is at the same time they have told the entire progressive wing to go fuck themselves and that there will be no policy concessions

its tragic that this has to happen in the time of trump but blame the democratic party


The Allies did not assassinate Hitler, although they had plans to. One argument against doing so was that anyone who replaced Hitler would be a worse strategist.

Any other Republican than Donald Trump and Obamacare gets repealed. I credit McCain’s vote to save Obamacare at least in part to Trump being a dick who had no respect or understanding of political norms. McCain was a massive attention whore who staged his vote to maximize pissing off Trump.

You realize you’re coming across as a toddler who is throwing a tantrum and trying to smash everything in sight, right?

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i think we need some toddlers in here to smash the system that has me voting for one of two war criminals every election

How many five-year olds does it take to smash the system?

People sometimes get out of hand and smash things when they look around and see that literally nothing belongs to them.

You keep only looking at the next 4 years.

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Because you have to fix the bullet wound before you fix the cancer.

Going to be interesting when the Trump riots start.

grunching… retire?

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What if someone views Trump as the cancer and the DNC as the bullet wound?

They would have to defend that position, which would be very difficult this, of all, weeks.

I have asked this question weeks ago: What is worse 4 more years of Trump or 40 more years of the Democratic Party we have right now?
You might think the answer is obvious. I don’t.


It’s incredibly obvious. Not to mention you can fix the former in the next 8 months. You then have the following 484 months to fix the latter.


now that’s a take

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