Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Pretty sure Bernie’s response to COVID would not have been a CEO parade. What Trump, unintentionally, is doing is not burning down the system, but pulling back a curtain.


Maybe people reject your analogy. To them, it’s more like the tree of oppression fell on a man, then someone came along and shot the guy. Trump is the gunshot wound and winning the House was stopping the bleeding but, hey, maybe we should worry about the tree crushing the guy to death when you want to do surgery to remove the bullet right now.

The rot that is the establishment of both parties led to Trump, and will lead to more populist demagogues if the rot isn’t addressed. Fix that first.

Except you are absolutely positively never under any circumstances ever in any way fixing the rot in the next 8 months but you are helping reelect trump.

How about, now this might sounds crazy, we get rid of trump. Then you all join the Democratic Party, the very next day, not when the primary begins. Organize online, infiltrate the party in huge numbers. Send money to candidates like AOC. Run yourself.

This is where the republicans simply kill the Democrats. They organized a decades long movement, started at the grassroots, that began at school boards, mayoral races, sheriffs, local tea parties in church basements.

You guys think it’s a huge political blow for the progressive movement to refuse to vote in a year when the other side is running the worst and most harmful candidate in history.

A massive shift in your national political ideology will take long, sustained hard work. It starts by refusing to give the least progressive president in history 4 more years to pack the bench for decades, institute endless regressive regulatory reforms and possibly simple end your very fucking democracy.

Vote abstention this year is treating the sucking chest wound with an aspirin. Really it’s treating it with a placebo.

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“I don’t feel bad,” Mr. Fleming said, trimming a mustache. “Milwaukee is tired. Both of them were terrible. They never do anything for us anyway.”

I will pass on your advice to join the Democratic Party after the election. Sounds stupid. Why would I want to join that crew? They are anti democratic corporatists. I’ll never give them a dollar. Plenty of other ways to organize.

Implying that I suddenly got into politics during the primary like I haven’t been doing anti kids in cage work outside of the party that put them there. Incredibly enough it’s pretty hard to protest kids in cages the entire year and then vote for their cager

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The DNC is what their members want it to be. They will be hardcore progressives if everyone does the real world hard work of making change happen.

there are a bunch of progressives willing to vote democrat right now if they will do anything besides stick up a middle finger

And lol at the real work. The real work is being done by progressives pushing to get poor people healthcare. What real work is the centrist DNC doing to help citizens

Thanks for making my argument for me.

Your point was that Biden cages families at the border and voting for him would be immoral?

You couldn’t possibly have missed my point more.

fwiw, Biden will be running as the most liberal candidate with a chance of winning the general since at least Jimmy Carter. He’s already changed some positions to reflect this. (he literally just took warren’s bankruptcy ideas for one)

I’m pretty confident Biden will mostly leaning on others telling him things rather than the Trump style of the other way around.

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How meaningful.

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10 million uninsured, drones in the Middle East, Families in cages at the border after we overthrew their governments. this is the current legacy of the word “liberal” . It’s a nice buzzword for idiots though

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Best of luck building that coalition.


I agree it’s difficult to get good things done in this country because of people like you


Here is super secret fact, only understood by those with the deepest understanding of politics…

You are both on the same side.

Shocking I know.

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Time for the MLK piece?

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You’re dumb. We’re not on the same side


Everyone on this forum, including @ViridianDreams and me, represent the most liberal wing of western politics. I’m guessing there is not a poster here who wouldn’t rank in the top 5% measured against progressive ideals.

We represent the upper 5% and you represent the upper 3% yet you have real and demonstrated difficulty differentiating us from Mike Pence. You honestly think your team is the top 3% and everyone from 4-100 is your enemy.

This makes me the dumb one?

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