Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

If the line between 3% and 5% is being willing to vote for human rights abuses, then we aren’t on the same side and we aren’t the same no matter how many dumbs agree with you. Biden voted for the Iraq War and lied about it this week. If you aren’t doing everything in your power to get Bernie elected, then we simply aren’t the same.

Look behind you. Someone in the 2% group thinks you are the same as Mike Pence.

it’s perfectly reasonable to draw a line in the sand at voting/lying for the war in iraq and caging families at the borders, i’m not aware of what this line between 2-3 is , but if someone wanted to make the case i’d listen

that someone isn’t going to be you because you aren’t even in the 3.

Thanks again for so eloquently making my point for me.

your point is that you’re amoral?

Me and everyone else 4 through 100.

Correct. Voting for kids in cages and war is not a moral thing to do. If everyone didn’t vote for kids in cages and war abroad, we’d have a better world.


“My ideal of a society is one in which I would be guillotined as a conservative.”


I can’t wait to not vote for biden


I’m trying to imagine what would happen if progressives vocally refused to vote Biden en masse, and it became widely accepted that this caused him to lose to Trump. I have no idea, of course, but somehow the only thing that seems plausible is that in 2024 Democrats would consider it necessary to back an even more “moderate” candidate.

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It was a big mistake for Joe to run the most liberal campaign of any Democrat since at least Jimmy Carter.



I wasn’t sure what Biden could do to persuade me, but that Town Hall meeting today was a doozy. All four minutes of it.

Lot of anarchists itt.

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I believe that quote is from Proudhon, and he wasn’t really a revolutionary. He believed that an anarchist society could grow in the midst of the normies and/or have a peaceful change. Aside from wanting to kill all the Jews he disapproved of violence.

Context is for libs

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Biden now pretending that he supports Warren’s bill to undo the 2005 bill he voted for.

Good point. Because nobody is allowed to change their mind with 20 extra years of information.

Are we not suppose to support Bernie cause he voted against the Brady Bill or voted for Clinton’s crime bill 30 years ago?

You know better than this.

If you can’t tell the difference between conviction and pandering you’re like a lot of people and it’s why politicians lie all the time and aren’t about to stop.

You don’t seem up for the nuance on the crime bill.

The Brady bill votes don’t bother me. You can not support him because of those votes if you want.