Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Trolly, can you name one Republican member of congress you’d rather have as President than Joe Biden?

Yo, I agree Biden’s hot garbage. All I ask is that we focus on stopping Trump first and then we stop the establishment Democrats. Right now I think we need people to come turn out for the downballot contests and we shouldn’t discourage anyone. Go ahead an abstain from voting for Biden, but let’s bring a sea change in state and local offices.

It’s tough. Can’t think of one off the top of my head, but it’s possible there might be one.

We can eliminate all of the sycophants straight away, who does that leave? Mittens…that’s all I have. Are there any others that aren’t pure evil?

Several people itt literally saying trump.

Straight up saying they’ll vote for Trump? Or that their failure to vote for the dem is a vote for Trump? Not sure I agree with the latter if that’s what you think.

Mittens, who famously wanted to double Guantanamo and deny prisoners access to lawyers. That’s a no from me, dog.

ROMNEY: I am glad [detainees] are at Guantanamo. I don’t want them on our soil. I want them on Guantanamo, where they don’t get the access to lawyers they get when they’re on our soil. I don’t want them in our prisons, I want them there. Some people have said we ought to close Guantanamo. My view is we ought to double Guantanamo.

Latter is exact same as former. The one guy is even in a swing state.

Fair enough. Trump is way worse than W though, right? Thinking back it’s a tough call. Can you imagine what Cheney and his minions would have done if they had the No, Fuck You cheat code? I feel so incredibly fucked all of the sudden.

Grunching: I would hope Biden makes a shift at least a little left, perhaps even talking to Bernie once the primary is decided and finding a couple spots where he could improve, but it won’t affect my vote. I’m voting for Biden or Bernie, regardless. Even Bloomberg would have been better than Trump (well, maybe that’s arguable).

I know lots of Dems don’t like Biden, but we need to figure out how to rally around him when he’s the nominee. Bernie supporters (or other Dem candidates’ supporters) can’t keep calling him “Dementia Joe” and what-not. I’m not saying to not disagree with his positions if they are bad, but Trump absolutely needs to not be President and having liberals lobbing constant bombs at Biden isn’t going to help. Perhaps that’s naive of me to say/think, but we just need to get Trump the fuck out and proceed from there.

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not having an actual choice every election =/= preferring Trump to Biden

The issue is that the DNC fucks every primary and then goes into the general talking about this being the biggest election in history and we really need you on our side! Democracy (which we fucked 3 months ago) has never depended on you more! Drink the poisoned chalice we prepared for you or you are HITLER!!!


I voted for Hilary in 2016 and it would be very hard for me to do it again. I think Biden is a step up from her, but don’t begrudge anyone who hates Biden as much as I hate Hilary for not wanting to vote for him.

Not a tough call at this point. W has the blood of ~500,000 dead on his hands in addition to all of the other terrible shit. And every time the Dem estab is like “Hey trust us, vote for this electable shitrist.” Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Hillary (owned), Hillary resurrected, and now Biden. The 2004 one was the worst and most comparable to 2020. They have made it clear there will be no progressives and that they are not welcome in this party.

I think the main issue against Biden was the Impeachment trial, the GOP will ram that down voters throats that Trump had every right to Investigate and if it wasn’t for shifty Schiff and Nancy he would already be in jail.

It should also be the easiest time to get out Bernies message and shout from the roof tops about JB Social Security cuts and how his medical plans keeps everyone infected if all are not cured of the Corona Virus.

In the event of a democrat majority, the filibuster will be decided by Schumer and every other senator, not the president. If Bernie was the one pushing a legislative agenda, it is almost certain that moderate dems would keep the filibuster, so they could blame republicans for not actually passing anything and also avoid being labeled supporters of far left socialism .

You would have been too lazy to come out of your moms basement to vote for Bernie either

I don’t really have this stance (well i sorta do but definitely not in this fashion; i’d prefer a ‘controlled demolition’ of which trump would be the opposite), I just didn’t think your concern trolling deserved better. I can see your history, that’s one of the points of online forums.

That’s academic though. Biden isn’t losing to trump even if all the Bernie primary voters stayed home. That’s why they went with Biden. The entire Oh Noez Trump narrative was manufactured as an attack on Bernie based on one poll, in one state, at one specific point in time. It worked because nobody wanted to even resemble HRC’s 2016 confidence, but it’s backfiring because they spread themselves maybe too thin with the whole Joe Has Dementia thing, and people are reacting by saying ok, if you want to play that game there’s the whole Joe Has Dementia thing.

But it’ll work out. People are quasi-trolling this thread because being made to feel a little heat builds character.

well shit that’s quite the timing

It needs to be said: the gall, the absolute brazen audacity, of people seeing how this primary played out and saying “well, that’s just smart politics!” and then immediately turning around and chastising others for the same, is breathtaking.

Well, maybe the politics weren’t so smart after all! I guess Old Joe didn’t build that winning coalition in the end! I guess the voters made their voices heard! How long would this post be if I included every smooth brained vacuous positive/descriptive statement?

It’s like I tried explaining in that other thread. Motherfuckers haaaate a normative statement unless it benefits them. Voters should come together and vote Joe? Yeah, maybe. And? Please proceed.