Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Jesus Christ you dude

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A few million dead and like 20 million refugees and the Democratic Party is nominating one of the cheerleaders. Fucking disgusting.


And Micro is like, ā€œYes, Maurren Dowd is right.ā€ Imagine actually believing this shit.

Fine, man, lobby for the guy who gave John Fucking Bolton and Mike Pompeo cabinet positions. Because you hate war so very much.


Maybe you should quit lobbying for the Iraq War/Mass Incarceration guy.

Maybe you should pay attention to what is happening literally tonight. Your president is actively destroying your country and killing untold thousands of your citizens and you are arguing about why his opponent is bad.

We are drawing live for more people to die than did in the entire war.

Jesus get some perspective.


Sounds like people should voted for the m4a candidate!


Itā€™s amazing that this is the choice. Almost beyond belief. Of course Trump is horrible, but I wonā€™t stand for people suggesting that Biden isnā€™t.


Did you miss the bit two months ago where Trump gave Iran casus belli to start WWIII? Even the warmongering ghouls in the DoD were horrified. Trump is too snake-fucking crazy for Bolton to hang with. He literally campaigned on bombing the middle east and taking their oil. And you think heā€™s the dove here. What in hell.

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Jesus Christ there are fucking degrees man. Come on. Horrible is not a binary thing. Itā€™s a scale. Trump and Biden are not in the same universe on that scale.

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Biden is another 4 years of the status quo. Do you think we can afford that as a species?

Do you pay any attention to the world? Itā€™s the United States that starts wars and they donā€™t do it by assassinating one guy. They do it by sending hundreds of thousands of missiles and bombs and continuing to do that for years and years. Iran is not fucking starting WWIII.


The moderates destroyed the country with their primary charade. This game is fun, right?

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This entire night is so fucking surreal. Look the fuck around you. Status quo? Jesus Christ.

If you wouldnā€™t snap take any republican right now over trump you are a total moron. Arguing if a fucking Democrat should replace him??

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Youā€™re Canadian and you donā€™t quite understand this. Yes, Trump is uniquely horrible, but 50% of this forum would despise any other Republican POTUS pretty much just as much and theyā€™d all think Joe Biden is head and shoulders better. And fucking Trump could have run as a Democrat and theyā€™d all think he was better than any Republican.


No, itā€™s the Republican Party that starts wars. The US people as a whole are fed up with this shit.

And like, I get it, Iā€™m not naive. I agree that Joe Biden and the rest of the dems are craven dipshits who will vote for war if they think they have to to stay in office. But George W Bush and his neocon acolytes are the ones who started this, just like Trump tried to start an Iran-US war and youā€™re telling me Trump is the anti-war choice.

Anyone who thinks either is also a moron.

Trump is not some generic republican with pro choice judges and trickle down fantasies we can all hate on as part of our political sportsmanship.

He is a unique threat to the world. He is complexity evil, totally incompetent and supremely self confident.

There is no excuse to even consider supporting anyone but whoever is running against him. Anyone. No matter who they are. Anyone.

Biden didnā€™t just vote for the war. He didnā€™t reluctantly support the war. He didnā€™t say ā€œwoah, this is not the AUMF I was supporting.ā€ Heā€™s not just the 50th percentile Democrat (a fair number of Democrats did oppose the war - a majority of Dems in congress voted against it). Heā€™s one of the worst. Worse than many Republicans.


I guess I donā€™t share your angst about this dream scenario where we can snap our fingers and poof Jeb! is now the president. We have Trump for at least the next 9 months and Iā€™m afraid that some time after Biden has sown up the nomination heā€™ll make a fatal gaffe that will doom us all to hell.

But heā€™s not worse than Donald Trump.

And like, I guess I get it if you want to abstain thatā€™s one thing, but can you please not actively support the greater of two evils?

Iā€™m voting for Biden. Iā€™m not going to pretend heā€™s not shit. Maybe Iā€™ll even do a better job of selling the choice by not pretending heā€™s ok.