Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

I’m gonna need Biden’s toxic supporters to stop being so mean. Will be waiting by the door for an apology from Blue Cross Blue Shield for denying 5 figures of legitimate medical expenses and making my life a living hell fighting it.


Lay out the plan for us here. Kids in cages is crimes against humanity, don’t think anyone disagrees with that. But tell us what Joe Biden is going to do about kids in cages.

This is one of those times that using “reins” is pretty important!

At least I hope it was just a mistake.


We signed up for BC/BS when we were having kids because their prenatal coverage was best. First kid they approved every test or procedure with no hassle, second kid was the opposite experience. They denied everything and we would spend 5-10 hours arguing with them. I got hung up on a bunch of times, so we sent them a letter with a copy of the page in their book that clearly showed we were covered and they responded with a condescending letter saying they’d cover it out of the goodness of their hearts even though they didn’t have to. We probably spent 50 hours on the phone with those bastards. It was maddening.


I know the vote is close, but nobody seems to think NH will come into play this time, I guess because of how all the numbers are expected to work out in the other states. May not matter if NH is won or lost?

“It’s called the Constitution. It says you have to get a consensus to get anything done.”

“Some of these people are saying, ‘Biden just doesn’t get it. You can’t work with Republicans anymore. That’s not the way it works anymore.’ Well, folks, I’m going to say something outrageous. I know how to make government work — not because I’ve talked or tweeted about it, but because I’ve done it. I’ve worked across the aisle to reach consensus.”

Just to be clear, the Biden administration tactics are keeping the filibuster intact and working together to find common ground with the American Nazi Party. You can’t support this and simultaneously say ‘vote for Joe’ because the Nazis are taking child hostages.

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This. Biden is running to become the Head of vichy France.

Protip, Biden won’t win and DemE isn’t trying to win. In 2016 they didn’t even campaign. They literally picked a candidate two cycles in a row who is under corruption investigation and are going to complain that the reason they lose is because BernieBros didn’t ship them enough $27s.

Comcast and Viacom have gotten the desired result. Lots of news story about the evil cheeto doing bad stuff.


I’m honestly surprised Barr has been able to resist publicly announcing the DOJ Hunter Biden investigation.

Like I said, the federal government won’t be supporting lawsuits that look to overturn Obamacare or undo Daca protections. Trump is actively doing those things and Biden will stop doing them on day 1. Clearly you don’t care about that stuff but it’s important to millions of vulnerable people.

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Do you really not think Lawnmower_Man cares about that or do you think he disagrees with you about who will do something about it?

Do you not care about the 2 million people in prison and that many of them ended up there because of the crime bill that Joe Biden introduced? Do you not care about the millions dead and tens of millions of refugees from a war that Joe Biden supported? Maybe you don’t. Maybe you think Trump is not likely to do better (despite so far not actually invading Iran or having war with NK, things that we certainly can’t be sure JB won’t do - and despite having signed a criminal reform bill that released people who had long sentences for crack that were introduced in the Joe Biden crime bill).

Or should I just say “clearly you don’t care about that stuff”?


I think any dem is better than Trump on all of that. That’s why I voting for whoever the dem nominee is.

I’ve been eating one shit sandwich after another and I guess I’m lining up for one more. And yes, it tastes like shit.

Literally no one knows. This is a 50/50 sir.

I’m praying for the best but Joe may see people with brown skin and say, “you’re in unless hellmuth disagrees”

And honestly if he disagrees then fuck you

Why am I not surprised.


And it might be true and I believe you are sincere. But you seem to think Lawnmower_man doesn’t care if immigrants die.

I never said anything about immigrants dying. I only mentioned kids working under Daca and people with Obamacare. Those were 2 snap decisions that I think any dem would make that don’t require congress and wouldn’t be a campaign lie that goes unfulfilled because they are so easy and would be political suicide to NOT do right at the start.

Ok, but your conclusion was the Lawnmower_Man doesn’t care about that. Maybe he just disagrees with you about whether or not Joe Biden would support another huge war in the ME and he cares about both war and Daca.

LOL, Jesus Christ, dude.

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