Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Should probably just ban fertility drugs and in vitro fertilization.

And CO2 emission per person is going to go way down.

What in hell are you talking about? Iā€™m talking about Bernie supporters not voting for Biden. Isnā€™t that the literal title of this thread?

You canā€™t support Bernie in the election and then when he loses the primary say the entire idea of democracy is a fraud. I mean I guess you can, you are doing it. It just makes it so clear how hollow your convictions are.

Joe would win me over if he picked up a garbage can and through it through the window of a Wal-Mart!

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People hate being judged. It makes sense.

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Didnā€™t you already live on a commune or something when you were a kid? Maybe youā€™re homesick. Go back. And save me a spot.

And anyway, I think a big problem with being so online and being so involved in electoral politics or politics in general is that people look at society wide problems and try to measure everything they do against the problems of hundreds of millions or billions of people. Pretty ridiculous. You accomplished a person-boycott of Wal-Mart today. Thatā€™s huge. No, itā€™s not enough that the board of directors (Hillary) are going to notice, but they have 2.2 million employees and 265 million customersā€¦cā€™mon, be realistic. Crack open one of those citrus beers, donā€™t beat yourself up over the fact that you purchased the beer with money you got from a job and celebrate.

Itā€™s a strong 2nd to not having children but um.

No takebacks on that one. Two kids ā€” guilty. But at least one looks to be a big revolutionary! And theyā€™re both vegetarians!

My pony has no little ponies to call his own.

Yeah, I mean, this is what I meant when I told Johnny purity tests get ridiculous. Iā€™m not about to be a maniac and tell people they need to get hardcore by letting humans die out.


wat in god

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A self loathing leftist? Well, I never.

But you are by not voting Biden.

KAG2020 bro

Every time my laptop turns on I behold the miracle and wonder and think, this is a fine life, a fine life indeed.

Not living is a major boon to the environment.

You had a good run, huh?

Having kids is basically like shopping at Amazon every day. Sorry.