Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

I will boycott, but I feel a slight affection for them because a significant percentage of people who live in their vehicles live in Wal-Mart parking lots.

To play devils advocate a little, while there is no doubt Walmart drastically underpays itā€™s staff, and there are countless stories about harmful labour practices, canā€™t an argument be made that by dramatically lowering the cost of goods and food they have improved the lives of the poor as well?

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Only if you believe cheap consumer junk improves quality of life. Thereā€™s something to your point, but also a ton of implicit assumptions about what life quality is. Thatā€™s a big topic.

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I think itā€™s less the junk and more the food which is important. Many of the poorest communities are virtual food deserts. Also the poorest 20% spend up to 45% of their income on food. Making it cheaper is a really big deal.


Iā€™ve tried a boycott thread in the past and it got no traction.

For me:

Amazon - I havenā€™t bought anything from them since they were just books I think, maybe once or twice

Wal-Mart - just added it

Hobby Lobby - I doubt I would ever have gone there anyway though

Chick-fil-a - Not perfect, but itā€™s been a long time

Anything made in the West Bank by an Israeli company that sucks - but I have no idea what products those would be.

Fox News

The Democratic Party - kidding sorta

Beef and Pork - not perfect in this, but I really should be

non fair trade chocolate - Iā€™m fairly bad at this, though I donā€™t really buy much

fossil fuels - of course Iā€™m bad at this, very hard.

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Iā€™m not buying that.

boycott > strike > voting probably


On the Amazon vs Wal-Mart debate, I just feel like Amazon is later-stage capitalism. I see the progress from mom and pop, to box store, to on-line one giant seller to ā†’ dystopia. The endless pursuit of efficiency drives margins down so low that thereā€™s not profit at any but 100% largest scale and then virtually everyone is a combination employee and consumer just given enough to consume enough to keep the beast alive and nothing more.

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Some lefties would argue that living a vegan / plant based life style is the single biggest thing an individual can do re: climate change. I donā€™t want to start another derail telling people the moral way to consume, but I am surprised at the lack of veg posts in the food thread.

Yeah, vegan is obviously better for climate. I was a vegetarian for about 10 years and now really try to avoid beef and pork and sometimes all meat, but chicken is not as bad environmentally and I hate chickens. Turkeys are assholes too. I eat fish too. Theyā€™re dumb, but I donā€™t hate them. Not as bad for the environment, but bad in different ways if youā€™re not careful anyway.

And often after they drive out the other grocery stores they jack their prices back up.

Regular pricing is cheaper at my local Walmart but not if you shop smart at other places. With sales and other deals its cheaper for me to shop at the grocery store with a union in my town then Walmart.

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The actual answer to this is to not have kids:

Source: ShieldSquare Captcha


No point in living if you donā€™t have kids.

Ok, Ok, no point in living either way.

I think if you look in this very thread you will find me making the same point many times. Americans are far too focussed on presidential elections as if voting once every four years is their total civic duty.

Iā€™ve said over and over if the crybaby Bernie supporters wanted actual change they would be out starting grassroots movement for it not threatening to not do the one tiny thing they do every four years to help the left.

If someone posted here they were out organizing, forming a grassroots movement to elect left mayors and city councillors. They were forming a left wing heritage foundation to get left judges appointed. They were door knocking for left candidates. And they were just not voting in the federal election I would say good on you. Itā€™s still a dumb decision to not vote Biden but at least you are backing it up.

This chart is kind of whack though. Theyā€™re attributing the all the CO2 emissions of that child over their entire life to you in one year. Yeah, thatā€™s a really bad year, but the next year you donā€™t get any of that tall green bar counted against you.

Also, who takes a transatlantic flight every year? Iā€™ve really been racking up the CO2 savings there. How much do I save if I donā€™t get on one of those SpaceX rides?

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Thatā€™s weird because the emissions per capita in the US is 16 tons.

I guess itā€™s all imports.

Ok, that must be assuming those children have children and so on?