Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Sorry I’m more a feelings than evidence kind of guy in these matters. I just have a recollection of legislation getting bogged down during Obama’s first two years and only stimulus and ACA getting passed when a unified Democratic party should have been able to push just about anything through rapid fire.

Well hopefully for one thing maybe we can put competent people back in posts that were not traditionally filled by political appointees until Trump came and gutted everything.


Most people will be disappoint Biden doesn’t go aggressively after Trump administration criminals but at least we can start rebuilding our diplomatic corps, maybe get election security passed, reign in ICE, and restore the DOJ to something resembling an apolitical entity, rebuild the department of education, and maybe get some competent judges in the federal court system. The rest of the time will be spent bickering about budget deficit and the crisis of the day.

We also need to think about what steps happen if Trump wins. A federal government almost fully purged of career civil servants, staffed with people whose sole qualification is loyalty to Trump. A narcissist with dementia increasingly getting crazier and bolder in his support of Putin’s interests. Cuts to medicaid and medicare, raising the age people can start taking social security (grandfathering in the olds of course)

Are you talking strictly about the ones not requiring Senate confirmation?

The title is how is Biden going to win over progressives. Of course most who voted for Bernie will auto vote for the dem. I’m asking for any reasons why they wouldn’t vote for him. Like I can definitely see young progressives who didn’t bother voting in the primary stay home. But I’m hoping most of the youth vote turnout drop from 2018 was just typical people sitting out the primary because they were fine with any dem.

hell ya let this empire crumble into the sea

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Yes. Maybe I’m mistaken but my understanding is that tons of people have resigned or been fired/replaced from positions that are not typically political appointees. And replaced mostly with hacks.

Jesus, I hadn’t even thought about the fact that McConnell is going to deny Biden even having a Cabinet.

I just don’t understand how someone could support progressive politics and also have this stance. I will probably have a chance to manage the breakdown of the US and shield my family from the worst of it due to having a middle management job in a German multinational corp, but I am the rare exception. The scenario of the US descending into a Russia style kleptocracy means a significant detriment in the lives of basically everyone in the country who would be helped by Bernie’s policies. Women who want abortions, LGBTQ, the poor, the sick, minorities, all of their lives would get significantly worse.



That’s a really dumb Twitter post.


Did you read the whole thing?

I did. It was especially rich for him to tell Bernie supporters to “care for other people for once” considering Joe Biden has never once done that in his entire fucking life. Fuck that guy and his toxicity.

Like, cool, I’m also well off and have a stable job with health insurance. I have no student loans. I’m not voting for Bernie for my own fucking benefit. Anyone that looked at Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders and concluded that Joe was the person to vote for the benefit of other people AND THEN has the audacity to fucking lecture Bernie supporters about how much they need to “care for other people” can go get fucked.


Until they do…

Is his message wrong? He’s an asshole, sure, but hes right. Oust the dumbfuck for whomever is running against him, and then push that person to adopt policy positions from the left. There is not a more important thing to do in this moment than to remove Trump from his position. None. None that are possible while he is there.

Global warming? Sure, but nothing we can do with Trump in office. He is literally immune to being pushed from the left. We have no choice but to remove him or watch our country and our world go down.

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Then he can make a me too post about it.

Recent history suggests the plan is to inherit a broken economy, nurse it back to health, then bungle 2028 and watch the Republicans take over and loot the fucker. Again.


That is my point. No one is thinking about what Joe Biden will specifically do after taking the oath. “We need to beat Trump and retake possession of the political football.” Ok cool but shit isn’t just magically getting unfucked. GOP has figured out that nothing matters and will be pulling even more insane shit than they did under Obama.

Joe Biden criticized his presidential primary rivals for suggesting so many executive orders to achieve their policy priorities rather than working to generate consensus.

After the hangovers are gone, people will realize that the plenty bold strategy is working to generate consensus with [checks notes] Moscow Mitch. Four years is not much time and the next president needs to have the missiles online on day one. Like, just imagine saying you are qualified to be the next president and not having a full arsenal of political nukes ready the very fucking second you take office.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is considering dozens of executive orders he could unilaterally enact on a wide range of domestic policy issues if elected president, including immigration, the environment and prescription drugs, according to two people familiar with the campaign’s planning and an internal document reviewed by The Washington Post.

The document reviewed by The Washington Post shows how the Sanders campaign has already begun extensive planning for how the senator would lead the country in his first days as president if he won the Democratic nomination and defeated Trump in November.

The list of potential executive orders includes unilaterally allowing the United States to import prescription drugs from Canada, directing the Justice Department to legalize marijuana, and declaring climate change a national emergency while banning the exportation of crude oil. Other options cited in the document include canceling federal contracts for firms paying workers less than $15 an hour and reversing federal rules blocking U.S. funding to organizations that provide abortion counseling.

Dude, Biden literally said he’d consider a republican running mate and touted his ability to find compromise with mitch fucking McConnell, on what planet is ANY leftist policy position getting passed here?


I will push him to adopt those policies by not voting for him and will consider doing so in 2024 if he does.

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