Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

There is always a fucking excuse for not putting actual progressives in power. “Now’s not the time” or “we have to unite as a nation” or “orange man bad.” What has that ever gotten us? That this douchebro fucking dares get on a high horse and lecture the people who have actually supported policies that are for the good of the people telling us that AKSHULLY Joe Biden is the one that’s good for the people, gimme a fucking break.


The second part is fine.

The first part is unbearably stupid.

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You think thats what I’m saying? Cause if so, you haven’t been paying attention.

I got just two words for ya.



Figure it the fuck out and quit being a child.

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Why would he adopt leftist policies if he already secured the left vote?

Federal government stops supporting lawsuits aimed at overturning Obamacare and daca is guaranteed to survive for four more years. Millions of people instantly helped without Biden doing anything other than not being Trump.

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That’s literally what the guy said in the tweet thread you posted.

How does that even…

How can he adopt ANY policies if Trump is president?

M4A is absolutely essential if we want to continue to be a functioning society going forward. If he woke up tomorrow and decided he was ready to fight to the death to make that happen I would instantly become his biggest cheerleader.

He’s more likely to wake up tomorrow having grown a second head. But this is the only thing he could do to win me over.

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Whichever constituency can be taken for granted definitely gets screwed. It’s part of how the dems became the party of wall street and not big unions.


I am not the guy.

Also his point was that Joe Biden IS BETTER THAN Trump.

Because he fucking is, no matter how much we don’t like him. That was his point, and it was correct.

You are welcome to say that Biden is worse than Trump, and I will just step aside while the laughter of the masses crushes you, or you can admit that Biden IS better than Trump and vote for him when our binary option fucking comes up.

You have TWO choices in November. You can make the right one, the wrong one, or be a stupid fucking child and sit out with those who aren’t allowed to vote like your mental age seems to indicate.

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Of the two choices we will have in November, who is MORE LIKELY to institute M4A?

That is the ONLY question you have to answer and to vote accordingly if that is the most important issue to you.

Joe Biden endorsed this guy… IN 2018… for $200k, straight cash, homie:

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Pull out of the race

I know, slow pony and all that



I’m aware of how bad trump is. The fact that I’m considering voting for Joe fucking Biden is a testament to how bad he is.

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0% = 0%

If the question is, which candidate results the best chance that the United States EVER gets M4A… that is not obvious.


Bernie winning by write in has a better chance of M4A than Biden winning the presidency.


That’s easy to fix, just have them all be “acting” officials the way Trump is doing. Or ignore the law like Trump is doing.

Biggest difference between a Biden and Trump admin is just a basic level of competency from appointees and upper-level staffers. I get that they’re going to be NeoLiberal corporate slapdicks, but by God just look at Trump appointing a creationist to hand the coronavirus response and the nonstop lies and the silencing of the CDC. Say what you will, the Obama/Biden admin managed to competently handle an Ebola crisis.

Fair… And the truth.

This is not how binary choices work

It’s no longer binary sorry.